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Hey guys,
It’s starting to snow in Canada so I’m starting the pages for upcoming NoHe seasons.
First posts on the blogs have been posted this week, keep an eye out at
Here is my first post if you missed it: (Updated below)
Post any Sun Peaks related information or stories here.
Short URL for this thread:
Planning My Trip:
So, lets get this ball rolling! As you may or may not know, I am moving to Canada in just a few weeks. So as per any holiday there is a lot of planning! Only for a working holiday you have a location that you need to end up and it’s not back in Australia. (at least not yet)
I have setup a folder for myself to hold all my important documents, my passport is up to date, my visas approved, a place to stay has been booked in all the current locations I plan to visit prior to arrival at Sun Peaks Resort (see map below for location of the resort)
It’s all really exciting and can be quite daunting at times but I know it’s a fantastic opportunity for me to see a wonderful part of the world that I otherwise wouldn’t have ever been to. As the days draw nearer and nearer, I know how much I am going to miss all my amazing friends and family back here but I know that I will be back and the time will fly so I need to make the most out of every second that I’ll be overseas!
If anyone has any questions about how to do the same working holiday trip as myself, head over to Boardworld and check out the first few posts with all the information on what you need to do to get a visa, where to apply for the mountains and what you need to do when you arrive before you start working. If you want to find out more about my trip, stay tuned for more updates!
i bought a blow up orca from a dollar store in kamloops. Then i got him stuck in the roof of the pool area on board a cruise ship. RIP orca, you were a bad ass blow up mamal!!
i bought a blow up orca from a dollar store in kamloops. Then i got him stuck in the roof of the pool area on board a cruise ship. RIP orca, you were a bad ass blow up mamal!!
Haha, I’ll see if I can’t get an Orca as a tribute to Trent’s Kamloops trip
Random story…
My Dad got booked for speeding in the rental car hear Kamloops.
Being the good boy he is he went to pay it at DMV/RTA equiv in Canada. It was almost more work than they wanted to do to process it! They actually had to give him a Canadian drivers licence! LOL
I will be setting up a proper short URL for this blog, but for now you can use:
Can you set me up one for the Sun Peaks blog too if it doesn’t cost anything?
We will for sure set up a proper URL for this blog, but here’s a temporary one for now:
Cheers Jez,
I’ll write another blog post once I’ve had my farewell on Sunday night. I’ll get a few photos of everyone in White and Red - Canada theme
Hey guys,
Got an update today that my training will be on the 13th November and the season will likely open on the 23rd. Hopefully there is a bit of snow prior to that so I can hike a bit and get some freshies!
For my training, they are supplying us with a BBQ of “Smokies” and “Veggie Dogs” (they killed smoky the bear? lol) and apparently there will be about 40 lifties which is a full team .
It was -5 at the top of the hill and there is some snow starting to settle. So while you guys post your epic Whistler powder, here is what Sun Peaks currently looks like lol.
When i was there, i was walking around the bottom of the runs looking at those prarie dog looking critters when i came across hundreds of yellow golf balls. If they are still there you should collect them while waiting for it to snow then sell them on. Start TJ’s yellow golf ball black market!!
When i was there, i was walking around the bottom of the runs looking at those prarie dog looking critters when i came across hundreds of yellow golf balls. If they are still there you should collect them while it snows then sell them on. Start TJ’s yellow golf ball black market!!
TJ’s real job in Sun Peaks?????
Sun Peaks got some snow yesterday! It’s not quite up to what whistler has received but still looks better than grass!
So it’s time to go, and what do you do before you leave your family and friends, you throw a party and have a few farewell drinks!
On Sunday, I had my farewell party. It was awesome and I’d like to thank everyone who made the time to come see me off (even if you can’t stick to the theme…) We had a small BBQ at my place then got everyone on a train and ventured to the main party in the city where we saw the NRL grand final, had a feed, some beers (and other beverages) and then played some pool.
After we concluded at James Squires Brewhouse we continued the party and went dancing at Cargo bar and continued the festivities. By the end of the night when there was less than 10 people standing, around 2am, we all decided to head home. On the way home, I got to enjoy a slice of Adam’s Pizza for the last time before I go and then got into bed, ready for the hangover that was awaiting me the next morning!
Again, thanks for everyone who showed up and everyone who bought me drinks!
P.S. Bring on my work farewell tomorrow
Actual blog post here:
Woo Hoo, I made it to Vancouver. After a long 14 hour flight from Sydney a bit more than a week ago, we touched down to a sea of fog. I couldn’t see outside the windows of the plane. It was a reasonably comfortable flight, I had 3 seats to myself but still couldn’t sleep. I did watch like 6 movies though to pass the time.
Once I arrived here, I got busy organising the important things. First I went to the bank and joined Scotiabank. They waived the fees for the first year of the account and were really easy to setup. I had a small issue with a hold on my account not being removed so I had no money for a day but I made it through and got it fixed. Then I went to get a phone. I joined Telus because they had decent plans and I could go onto a month to month contract with no commitments and free calls / texts to locals and mobiles and 1gb data. After my phone was sorted, I went to get a SIN. This is like your Tax File Number in Australia or the Social Security Number in the USA.
Once all of that was done, I went back to the hostel and watched some hockey before I retired to bed around 11 to combat jet lag.
The next 2 days were pretty quiet, walked around the city for a bit and checked everything out. On Sunday night I went on a brewery tour. It was fun but we went so far on the bus to find these places. Ended up coming back to the city with the group after 2 places and just had a few more drinks before bed.
On Monday we went Ice Skating and I met a great group of people who I ended up hanging out with for the majority of the week. There is a video of me skating in my Bruins jersey but I didn’t get a copy of it. Might post it up later if I do. That night we got pretty messy and stayed up until 3am partying.
The next 2 days were more hanging out with the same group, we went bike riding in Stanley park and then did the Grouse Grind (a hike up Grouse mountain.). Up the top of the hike, there was bears and water to drink (I was wrecked!). I did it wearing jeans and skate shoes. That was a rookie mistake!
On Friday we headed up to Whistler and it’s as amazing as everyone says. The mountain is huge, the views up to the mountain are great and the village is massive! Ended up meeting with Aaron, Sarah, Finney and Nick (+friends) and had a few drinks and dinner. Driving on the right hand side of the road is weird but you can do it if you concentrate. Remember righty tighty (tight turns when going right) and lefty loosey (loose turns when going left). Only had 1 slight wrong side of the road issue but there was nobody there (besides Josh in the car) to witness it. Driving to Seattle tomorrow by myself so I’ll have to stay on the ball!
Stay tuned for more soon. And some photos of Seattle to go up once I get there
Hey guys,
We now have a special short URL for this thread.
Short URL for this thread:
Please feel free to use that on social media etc.
hey boss, dont you mean
Do we really need two different Blogs?????