The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive

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BWGirls out and about… 


#bwgirls- post your piccies here!

Tambo, Billy, Air180 and Shaz. Don’t ask about the toilet paper, it’s for K2Shartman… wink

Ladies again thanks to Azz’s funky photography:

Tambo and SkierShaz tongue wink


Blizz and Billy (#nokim wink )

Thanks to Tambo and Blizz for photos smile


Who’s the ugly lookin chick in the red footy jersey?????


love hanging out with these girls. Awesome chicks and heaps of fun.  thumbsup


not all riding, there were some other things to do as well…..
that’s me at the one hit wonder

still some snowmen to play with wink

Good times!

Tambo - 17 September 2013 06:48 AM

love hanging out with these girls. Awesome chicks and heaps of fun.  thumbsup

Girls shred in 2014 shred