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The Shred 2013 - The Plan!


Shred goers (and those we may still convince to join us!) I thought I would start a thread since plans seem to be coming together nicely!

Thursday 12th Sept - Pre Shred

What seems to now be becoming a bit tradition there will be the Pre Shred dinner! This year it will be held at the Shred Palace.

If you are in town that night and want to join please PM me for more details. At the moment it is shaping up to be a bit of a pot luck dinner. Nothing fancy just bring something along to share with the group.

Friday 13th Sept
First Official day of the shred. Nothing formal planned.

Saturday 14th Sept

By now the hangovers are becoming a permanent fixture amongst the group! What better way to clear it then joining in the fun (or watching the foolish) participate in the Efterski Pond Skim! Details here: Pond Skim

In the evening there will be the annual Trivia night, to be held at Shred Palace, Woodridge (address to be supplied offline).

Beers courtesy of Carlton Dry and prizes up for grabs.

Sunday 15th Sept - Boss man arrives!

11am: The annual Shred downhill race. Further details to be provided at the Trivia night.

6pm: Shred Dinner at Santes in the Village square

Monday 16th onwards…..


Shaping up nicely! If you could just organise some snow that would be great. shaka


What he said ^^^^ shaka


Dinner booking is at 6pm.
If that’s too early we can change it to a later booking at 8pm.

With a large group it’s only fair that we allow Santes to fit another sitting in (and theres more consistent flow of food early).
I went for 6pm as past experience with big groups has showed that starvation sets in well before 8pm (hey oz! wink
If we want, we can get there early (before 5pm) - I will need to let them know, they can open the doors as early as 4:30pm


i’m excited. possibly even big kev excited LOL

if we are eating at 8, i will need to make a booking somewhere for a pre-dinner dinner or i will go a lil nutjob

beachndogs - 02 September 2013 07:11 PM

i’m excited. possibly even big kev excited LOL

if we are eating at 8, i will need to make a booking somewhere for a pre-dinner dinner or i will go a lil nutjob

Yeah, too many pre-drinks by then! billy


So funny because Oz brought a large group down last year and I managed to get a last minute seating at Santes.

While waiting for the later seating I took them on a pub crawl, then had to stall them while tables were reset, most the party were struggling to stand up and all had gone loopy by the time we sat down.


Haha yep!

Thank god we got in early!

Leave it for 6pm I reckon!

I do remember the first shred being too late…


hahaha exactly billy!! and being the drinking lightweight that i am, by that time i would be in all sorts.
2 drinks and i’m yours, if you are my bed LOL


Many times have young girls used me as a bed. I’m like a lumpy electric blanket that conforms to your shape.

Going from your avatar BnD - the booking has now been changed to 8pm.


spaz - 02 September 2013 07:46 PM

Many times have young girls used me as a bed. I’m like a lumpy electric blanket that conforms to your shape.

Going from your avatar BnD - the booking has now been changed to 8pm.


hahahaha LOL there is a ringing endorsement!!
now if you only said you were like a waterbed, we’d have a winner haha

but yay, to early eats!!


6pm sounds good! Last time I was there we had a 8pm booking(it was all we could get)

I suspect I made the earlier patrons a little uncomfortable with the combination of my rumbling stomach and death stares…  michelle

spaz - 02 September 2013 07:07 PM

they can open the doors as early as 4:30pm

Oh, that will suit Azz perfectly. He likes to be tucked in bed well before 8pm.

rider26 - 02 September 2013 08:49 PM
spaz - 02 September 2013 07:07 PM

they can open the doors as early as 4:30pm

Oh, that will suit Azz perfectly. He likes to be tucked in bed well before 8pm.

Not to mention you’ve gotta have you’re teeth brushed and tucked in ready for big dog smirk

DylanV - 02 September 2013 08:59 PM
rider26 - 02 September 2013 08:49 PM
spaz - 02 September 2013 07:07 PM

they can open the doors as early as 4:30pm

Oh, that will suit Azz perfectly. He likes to be tucked in bed well before 8pm.

Not to mention you’ve gotta have you’re teeth brushed and tucked in ready for big dog smirk


I rest easy Jez, knowing full well you will be the same in another 4 - 5 years….... mizu

I truly can’t wait until you breed and possibly get a real job…..... smirk

I think Jess will agree that dining after 8pm is just plain silly tongue laugh


I think Jess will agree that dining after 8pm is just plain silly tongue laugh

i strongly concur. after 8 pm is time for second dinner, or post dinner snacks and dessert.  like a mogwai i need to eat before a certain time LOL