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List some of ya favourites on here, so others can share!!!!!
sorry cant, NSFW
sorry cant, NSFW
haha funny you say that. The other day when I was feeling particularly bored/pervy I checked out photos that people I had been following had liked. Goes without saying some of b_rad_man’s likes gained an extra follower
I like to call it creepstagram
I like to call it creepstagram
No one can bring the creep on like you!
List some of ya favourites on here, so others can share!!!!!
I don’t have a long list but here’s a few of my follows off the top of my head.
@oneshuteye - A local photographer who takes some stunning photos of the Cronulla area
@burtonaustralia - Found out about this after Dylan won the bag drop. Not bad for some local Aussie snow pics
@coastalwatch - Surf porn
@_southwave_ - No interest to anyone here but I actually think it’s a decent use of the video feature (local morning surf report)
@mirandakerr - It’s always nice waking up with Miranda (when she’s not posting boring flowery stuff)
@worldoflabs - When I want to get my fill of dog nawwwws
@mizu_kuma - Wouldn’t want to see too many selfies of his ugly mug but I do enjoy it when he get’s his Japan on!
I know that my selfies are the only reason that ya follow my feed, Dave!!!!!
sorry cant, NSFW
I didn’t ask for your own personal feed!!!!!
Some of mine!!!!!
@jupiterpeople For some sweet Snowboarding Pics
@fluxbindings For the same as above
@surfline For some wicked Surf Pics
@elizabethhuxleymay My Niece’s Feed of mostly the Tattoo work that she does
@3cs For some good Snowboarding Pics
@ellis_nicol A mate that has some great Surf Pics of the Local Breaks
@japanjournals For some sweet Japow Pics, along with a couple Down Under too
And I would say your feed Dave, but I think you only have 1 Pic on it?????
I know that my selfies are the only reason that ya follow my feed, Dave!!!!!
Haha whatever helps you to sleep at night mate!
Some of mine!!!!!
And I would say your feed Dave, but I think you only have 1 Pic on it?????
Sweet will check some of them out.
Haha you’re selling me short I have 8 pics in total! Safe to say at the moment I’m more of a consumer than producer of content. Could put up some selfies if the demand is there
Hopefully I’ll be adding quite a few more in a months time when I hit Japan again. I’ve also been meaning to take a whole bunch of coastal ones around here but always seem to forget.
Nah, don’t worry about the selfies!!!!!
But the Japan ones I will def be able to live with!!!!!
I like to call it creepstagram
haha yeah, i remember making a passing comment to you in whis that one of your hookups didn’t really seem your type, if your instagram likes on facey were anything to go buy. and the next day your instagram likes were hidden on facey hahaha
Yeh, my hookups were not my usual type i’d go for haha
Yeh, my hookups were not my usual type i’d go for haha
wait, you mean you don’t like a side of crazy with your breakfast… hahaha