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The Tuesday Line Up.


Morning muchachos

After no internet at work from Thursday until lastnight, Hellstra copped one might going over from ones self!

Up to Sydney tomorrow for the night to see Metallica again, apart from that, not too much else going on…


Morning Empire, wish I could join you at Metallica, I think it would be awesome.

Off to the salt mine for me.



Got some tunes playin to get me through the first few hours today - Bob Marley, Ziggy Marley, Black Crows, Michael Franti. Easing my way into the day.


Good morning everyone! It’s a cold and crispy day here in Vancouver. We drove back from Whistler last night and we are here for another week before settling down in Whistler. The snow line is getting fairly low in Whistler and we also saw a bear yesterday. smile

Have a good day BW crew!

Empire - 08 November 2010 07:34 PM

Morning muchachos

After no internet at work from Thursday until lastnight, Hellstra copped one might going over from ones self!

Up to Sydney tomorrow for the night to see Metallica again, apart from that, not too much else going on…

Ohh we saw some dude from Saved By The Bell when we were in LA. I’ll post some photos soon. Your avatar reminded me haha. wink


Morning Peeps!
Just got to work and spewin because i forgot my headphones! Will just have to play music through the phone speaker.
Jeremy, what are the temps getting like over there atm? Super jealous of ya smile
But i am looking forward to summer now as the good weather here on the weekend got me a little excited grin


It was pretty warm when we first arrived but it’s getting really cold quickly now. Whistler must have been around 5 or so degrees in the village yesterday, but there’s quite a bit of snow in the alpine. Enjoy the warm weather back home! smile

rider26 - 08 November 2010 08:05 PM
Empire - 08 November 2010 07:34 PM

Morning muchachos

After no internet at work from Thursday until lastnight, Hellstra copped one might going over from ones self!

Up to Sydney tomorrow for the night to see Metallica again, apart from that, not too much else going on…

Ohh we saw some dude from Saved By The Bell when we were in LA. I’ll post some photos soon. Your avatar reminded me haha. wink

Hahaha which one?


morning all.
Been offline for a bit with my soccer weekend away at the goldy which was suitably messy, then had swedes visiting for a week. They are off up the coast now in a camper but we took them down to see the blowhole, gave ‘em surfing lessons, took them fishing at bellambi & up on the woronora river & had our viking engagement party which was a crack up. Not bad considering the weather wasn’t the best last week. We bbqed every night until sunday, haha.
Kinda keen for that IsenSeven prem tomorrow night if I can get anyone else keen…we’ll see!


Morning all….

Just at work using the 7inch grinder and set my pants on fire now off home to get another pair lol close one!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 09 November 2010 12:12 AM
Warren Chapstick - 08 November 2010 10:41 PM

Morning all….

Just at work using the 7inch grinder and set my pants on fire now off home to get another pair lol close one!!!!

7inch grinder hey???? Yeah whatever Warren!!!!  hmmm

hahahahaha no wonder ur stilll going 2 tafe



So your 7 inch grinder set your pants on fire. She must have been a hottie you were grinding against.


What the hell is “Team” under name Mizu? Does it have to do with the how many posts you’ve made and if so at how many posts do I have to make get to join the TEAM?

spaz - 09 November 2010 06:54 AM

What the hell is “Team” under name Mizu? Does it have to do with the how many posts you’ve made and if so at how many posts do I have to make get to join the TEAM?

Yeah, if there is a BW team, I want in too !!!!!!!


I’ve been checking the member list and you and golfpunk are the only 2 with over 1000 posts that aren’t moderators and GP isn’t in the team, you and rider are the only ones with over 2000 and, well, rider doesn’t count cause he is god.

In the photo/video thread I change from being a ‘Member’ as I belong to a different member group but only have my power there.

Mizu on the other hand is one of the ‘Members’ but seams to be the only one on the ‘Team’

As part of the ‘Moderator’ member group Azz and with the elit status of being a Mt Hotham Local I don’t think it allows you to be in the team.

I do have the elit status of and guess when I reach 2000, 2500 ??? will be part of the team here. Me hopes.


Mizu has 5 squares, GP only has 4 at just over 1000 - both members

Slider has 4 with +1600 posts and rider 5 with +3500 - both moderators