The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Nice photos fellow flatmates (ie Rah and Finney)!!!
Here’s my contribution!
My board in the background
Inukshuk at Whistler
Hey rah, first photo isn’t working for me? Did you post the correct URL?
Try this?
ah, thats why it didnt work… its skies!! Just kidding rah , cool shot keep ‘em coming
Noseslide Box, taken in Czech Republic “Skiareal Lipno”
Date: 5th December 2010
where’s this? Big White?
Hey, pls put the photo info with the photo, eh? Name of photo, date taken, rider name, and underwear colour at the time
maybe he is freeballing?
I took a level 4 lesson today hoping to work on my edging and carving. Except, the instructor decided it was more challenging to work on riding powder. Fantastic day up on the peak.
Here’s my photo for the day. We were heading back down from the peak and just before hitting the creekside express chair, a perfect photo opportunity came into sight. A fellow boarder rode in at perfect timing!
Hope you enjoy it!
Kudos to Ross our instructor - Awesome time on the mountain today!
Very nice Pete!!
I’m going to start posting Photos of the Week at the end of this current week. Keep the photos coming…
Meh might as well chuck this one up…
Riding the Peak 2 Peak in Whistler
Date: 10/12/10
peak2peak treeline on whistler today (stole a friends camera to shoot this since I left mine at home haha)
Heading up Blackcomb
Date 10/12/10
Another scenic shot… Will try to get some action shots happening too.
Sunset at Excelerator on Blackcomb
Date 17/12/10