The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Ethan Lewis
Instagram: chub_wagon
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instagram - Jonny_sha
facebook - john.shabelnikov
instagram - Jonny_sha
Yo yo
I’m trying to upload my design for the comp but can’t
see where I need to enter it..!
Help a Brutha out..
Yo yo
I’m trying to upload my design for the comp but can’t
see where I need to enter it..!
Help a Brutha out..Cheers
Hi Will
You can upload your entry to just about any online image host you like (such as , , or even facebook).
Once it is uploaded right click on it and select “copy image url”, then come back here hit the post reply button, then in there click the image button (inbetween the quote and youtube buttons along the top) and paste your image url inbetween the bracketed code [img]*your image url here[/img.
Hope that helps mate, and welcome to boardworld
Welcome to Boardworld, Will.
Thanks for helping him out, Dylan.
Detailed instructions can be found here:
First Design. Sorry you will have to tilt your head to view it
Thats a sick zombie board!
Jackie Chan in the middle?
Thats a sick zombie board!
Jackie Chan in the middle?
hahah I didn’t even think of that, does look like him. Jackie Chan going straight for the ball grab.
High Fyve!
Design by Cody Paulson
I dig that one ^^^
Nice and simple!
Thats a sick zombie board!
Jackie Chan in the middle?
hahah I didn’t even think of that, does look like him. Jackie Chan going straight for the ball grab.
Only cause I watched Cannonball Run 2 last night.
Him and Jaws in the Mitsubishi are hilarious.
My Apolllo Board
instagram @kamigsol
Cheers Bra I’ll get crackin on it..!