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Google StreetView Game

TJswish - 17 May 2013 04:24 PM

Haha I didn’t put too much thought it. First one I went with France… lol

Right well that explains your poor scores in other rounds!!!!!


More than one country in the world displays French Flags/colours!

A little ways down the road was a real flag of that country.

This one I couldn’t find a sign to google! I got the country and the state/region correct, under 600km


DAMMIT so addicted to this now!


Did you play the one I shared???


Someone give it a better go than TJ.

I need other people to show the world how amazing I am!


Do another one and share it with me Kim.

I’ll give it a more realistic go smile


I will!

About to head home -

Want to spend 15mins doing a bunch of work so it looks like I spent all day doing something! LOL


Hahaha ok, I’ll be heading off soon too so I might not reply till later.

ozgirl - 17 May 2013 04:04 PM

Woot Woot just got 20275!!!

This is the exact one I just did - see if you can beat my score!

I have kept my link to prove my score!

Tills do this one^^^!

PM your result so no one else sees the answers!

TJ when you do a “challenge” does it compare your answer to the challenger?

Oh and I am drinking in town so it wont be tonight…


I got 22541 on my go, Ill do your one at home oz!


Yep, compares each one. Some of yours were so close it was pretty obvious you googled them

Who you going out with. I’ll be staying home and drinking water since I’m half marathoning on Sunday morning and don’t want to alcohol myself into a bad time raspberry

Tills - 17 May 2013 04:42 PM


Last round: 2735 Total points: 27781

Stop googling people, its cheating!

TJswish - 17 May 2013 05:10 PM

Stop googling people, its cheating!

This ^

It’s called Geoguessr for a reason, not Geo-google-researcher… lol


Someone challenge this one, there is a few toughies but I never left the site

Geo - TJ


Cool game!  To much of a pain to play in phone tho


Great game Ozzy!

Got 12605 without cheat, not bad start!