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K2 Slayblade question


Sure sounds weird.  Did you make sure the insert holes are nice and clean?  Even a tiny bit of metal in there can stop the screw going in.  Also, are the screws you’re using smothered in Loctite?  I had that with my first board many many years ago and they were a prick to get in.


Hi Bones

I want to say welcome to the Forums, but I see you’re not actually new to BW. But I haven’t met you yet so…. Hi!

That’s an interesting problem you have. I have 2 thoughts that may help you out.

1:  I have had a problem just like this myself with a board I bought online (only cause there weren’t any in australia).
I found that none of the bolts fitted the board.
After scratching my head and trying different bolts etc. I realised that the inserts (bolt holes) had been misconstructured from factory. Chances are the board was a factory 2nd that should have been sold and that’s why it was sneakily sold online. Lesson learned teacherboy
I’m a mechanic by trade so I was able to carefully “re-thread” the inserts with a tap and die. And cleaning the threads out with WD-40 and some fine picks.

*NOTE*  I’m not advising you to just have a crack at this. But if you yourself or a friend is trained in this and can confirm that the thread is just misshapen not a different thread size, then it might be an option.

2:  Just a thought I had. Given that this board was bought online I’m assuming you don’t really know where it came from.
It’s possible (maybe quite unlikely) that this board was custom made for someone who requested a different type of insert to fit some weird kind of bindings.
Maybe that person didn’t end up paying for the board so they just flogged it online.
If this is true, or it has different a different thread type for ANY reason. It would be as easy as going to a “Nut & Bolt Shop” (yes they do exist) and have them figure out what thread it is, and have them find you some bolts to fit. No need to return it cheese

No idea if this will help, but I’m hoping it does. Let us know how it goes once you figure it out. I’m really interested.
Good Luck!


When i bought my Ride Contraband bindings, the base plates holes didnt line up with the inserts on my board, so i had to file out the holes slightly to match up with my board inserts.


Hi all, 

I got a reply from the store i bought the board from and they told me they did a test with other k2 boards and that they found that if you use a screwdriver and apply more force the screw will go in. They did say that all other boards can be done just using your fingers but for some reason the k2 cant.

They also sent another email saying that the rep from k2 gave the same advice. The rep also said that it is a standard m6.

At the moment i am wondering if i should do as they say and if it does do any damage i have written proof that they advised me to force it in. My other option is to go back to a fastener specialist and see if they think it is m6 thread, although one already told me they didnt know what thread it was.

All seems a bit weird to me.


Both my boards are K2 and I’ve never had any issues with them to the extent you’re having, I regularly swap my bindings between them as well. Definitely a bit weird.


Just thought id give an update on this.

I ended up doing as the guys from K2 said and pushing a screw in with a screwdriver and it stripped the thread on the screw. After that i ended up finding a tap and die set in the workshop at work so i re tapped the threads and it solved the problem. It seems as though the threads were fully of some sort of very hard clear epoxy or something, possibly what they use as the top coat on the board.

Not a big deal in the end but could have been a real pain if i didn’t already have a tap and die to use.

Cheers for the help.