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Board help for a mate


Hey my mate is after a board. Hes done about 4 weeks boarding over about 3 years.
Hes 81kg ,178cm ,size 10 boot.

He’s looking for a rocker board that will be good for mountain and park.

He’s doing some aus days this year and 4 weeks in Japan at the end of the year.

He’s got a rome, zero camber 158 ATM. But keen to upgrade to something a bit faster and a bit more nimble.

Your help would be great.


Almost identical build to me. I just bought an arbor westmark 153. Haven’t ridden it Yet though.


Was about to start a new topic but figured I would double up in here!

I am also after a new board. I bought a secondhand k2 Darkstar 168 off a friend after his seasons in japan on it. Its pretty stiff and dinged up and was looking for a new board of my own.

I am 6ft 2”, 110kgs, size 12 boots

Looking for something with a little more flex and smaller to use in the park (prefer hitting the park and anything to pop off compared to speed and carving) How small a board can I go with my weight?? The 168 is great but feels slightly too big and bulky.

I’ve only boarded the past 2 seasons, about 20/30 days riding all up so I would say I’m beginner - intermediate. I have starting hitting jumps and rails and looking to improve.

Any help would be awesome!


Can’t find a Rome board by that name so figuring it’s just a flat board.  To be honest it doesn’t sound like that bad a board from the brief outline of it you have given.  What does he want to get into with his riding?  He could probably go a little shorter and narrower as size 10 boots aren’t exactly huge, something in the low to mid 240’s waist width should be ok generally speaking.

NBG - 09 May 2013 09:55 AM

. . . size 10 boots aren’t exactly huge, something in the low to mid 240’s waist width should be ok generally speaking.

Unless the boots have ‘shrinkage tech’, 248mm is about as narrow a waist width as you want to go with a size 10 boot.

Mcgoo - 09 May 2013 09:29 AM

Hey my mate is after a board. Hes done about 4 weeks boarding over about 3 years.
Hes 81kg ,178cm ,size 10 boot.

He’s looking for a rocker board that will be good for mountain and park.

He’s doing some aus days this year and 4 weeks in Japan at the end of the year.

He’s got a rome, zero camber 158 ATM. But keen to upgrade to something a bit faster and a bit more nimble.

Your help would be great.

Hey mate,

When you say rocker, do you mean a full rocker profile? Snowboards with a full rocker profile are fun in the park and float well in powder, but they aren’t stable so not the best choice for “all mountain”. Just putting the facts out there.

Have a read of this thread if you haven’t already:
I think it’s really important that he understands these different camber profiles so he can choose a board to meet his specific needs. I say that because there are a lot of options out there. Considering he will be in Japan for four weeks, you definitely want some rocker in the profile, so I would narrow it down to a hybrid or full rocker.

Speed comes from the base. Sintered bases are fast and absorb wax better than extruded bases. If he’s after speed, definitely get a board with a sintered base (which nearly all top-end boards have). Also, it’s important to wax the board regularly. If he wants to go as fast as possible, I would recommend a fluoro wax.

StamfordKid - 09 May 2013 09:53 AM

Was about to start a new topic but figured I would double up in here!

I am also after a new board. I bought a secondhand k2 Darkstar 168 off a friend after his seasons in japan on it. Its pretty stiff and dinged up and was looking for a new board of my own.

I am 6ft 2”, 110kgs, size 12 boots

Looking for something with a little more flex and smaller to use in the park (prefer hitting the park and anything to pop off compared to speed and carving) How small a board can I go with my weight?? The 168 is great but feels slightly too big and bulky.

I’ve only boarded the past 2 seasons, about 20/30 days riding all up so I would say I’m beginner - intermediate. I have starting hitting jumps and rails and looking to improve.

Any help would be awesome!

Hey SK, welcome to Boardworld. cool smile

I would actually suggest you start your own thread so we can concentrate on your specific questions.

You should also read this thread:
It will give you a good idea of the different options out there. My suggestion would be to get an idea of which camber profile(s) appeals to you the most, then we can start narrowing down your selection in regards to models and sizes.

Where will you be riding mainly? Feel free to start a new thread and we will get back to you.