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Federal Election 2013



What that comparison conveniently ignores, is who ends up paying for Labor’s ‘faster’ speeds. The truth of the matter is that due Labor’s abysmal economic mismanagement, the NBN will cost each and every man, woman and child in Australia somewhere between three and five thousand dollars EACH - and that’s before any monthly ISP fees!!!!!!!!!!!

People can still get the faster FTTH speeds under the coalition, they’ve just got to pay for the last part of the connection (node to home) THEMSELVES - as it SHOULD be!

Labor treats the voting public like they’re gullible idiots - which is actually not a bad strategy, because most of them actually are.


The biggest injustice regarding the NBN, is that as the whole thing was designed as a hugely expensive vote buying exercise from its inception, traditional ‘Labor heartland’ areas were to be connected first - so when the Coalition assume power in September, traditional Liberal/National supporters areas will be the ones stuck with the slower speeds.

I reckon there should be a special levy placed on the internet usage of every home and business already connected to FTTH, to repay Australian taxpayers.


Eh, we are going to pay taxes either way, at least Labor have already started their scheme. Liberals scheme is do nothing and everyone will be ok with that.

I already get up to 24mb with my current internet which normally sits around 16mb. If we go with Liberals I don’t get any benefit and still pay money (albeit less).

Since I am not in any sort of high financial bracket at the moment, I’ll happily use tax payers dollars to get Australia a decent Internet connection to each house. Though it’s highly likely that the Liberals will get in and therefore trash everything that has already happened over the last few 5 years.

TJswish - 07 May 2013 06:58 PM

Eh, we are going to pay taxes either way . . .

Sure, as long as supporters of taxpayer funded FTTH don’t whinge about the lack of funding in other areas - like health and education, for example.

TJswish - 07 May 2013 06:58 PM

Eh, we are going to pay taxes either way, at least Labor have already started their scheme. Liberals scheme is do nothing and everyone will be ok with that.

I already get up to 24mb with my current internet which normally sits around 16mb. If we go with Liberals I don’t get any benefit and still pay money (albeit less).

Since I am not in any sort of high financial bracket at the moment, I’ll happily use tax payers dollars to get Australia a decent Internet connection to each house. Though it’s highly likely that the Liberals will get in and therefore trash everything that has already happened over the last few 5 years.

TJ, if you had a debt on your current motorcycle, but there was a bike out there that was faster, would you go and borrow more money for it just so you can get from A to B quicker?????

And especially when you are clearly having trouble servicing your current debt!!!!!


I wouldn’t… but I sure know a lot of people who would…

And it’s a Labor government. We know they are going to do just that. And while I like the country being in surplus when Liberals are in, I also think we need the Labor party in every now and then to spend some money to make sure we actually get stuff.

I like that the M5 is actually getting widened, that we are getting quicker internet and that I got a $900 bonus (even if it was in 2009). I also prefer the Liberal government in power because they cut unemployment benefits which I don’t get and give better tax cuts to people who pay taxes.

Personally I’m in the middle. After John Howard, we needed a bit more spending. Since Gills has been in, we probably need to go back to stingy mode for a bit but I also don’t want them to cut the NBN since we have already invested so much into it and it’s not in the actual areas that will use it the most yet.


The biggest mistake in history was gettin rid of the Howard Govt!!!!!

The Country is just like a big company, and it needs proper fiscal management, otherwise we will go broke!!!!!

And the lifestyle that we are accustomed to livin, is so far away from broke it aint funny!!!!!

* To those that say it can never happen, just have a look around the world today!!!!! It wasn’t always like that!!!!! It was Governed that way!!!!!


Dude If I could have Howard back, I’d welcome him with open arms!

TJswish - 07 May 2013 09:53 PM

Dude If I could have Howard back, I’d welcome him with open arms!

Well vote for the Coalition in Sept, cause even if ya hate Abbott’s guts/face/demeanor/dick pokers, his policies will be loosely based on the policies of Howard’s!!!!!

Policies that actually work!!!!!


But I still want an NBN lol

And I don’t really want his religious based policies poisoning the government.

TJswish - 08 May 2013 09:28 AM

But I still want an NBN lol

And I don’t really want his religious based policies poisoning the government.

And his anti woman’s rights!

(had to say it - I know this thread is not supposed to be that political)

Can I also remind everyone that you should really look at your local members policies/ideas. Cause that is who you really are voting for. So TJ why not find out if you local member supports the NBN or not, and other relevant things that affect the community??

By the way I am going to call the election now.

Libs will lead BUT i reckon it will still be a hung parliament - I don’t think it will be a landslide win!

ozgirl - 08 May 2013 10:01 AM

Libs will lead BUT i reckon it will still be a hung parliament - I don’t think it will be a landslide win!

That’s a big call with the media and social media!!!


Oh is it??

LOL seriously hadn’t heard. Everything i thought i had heard was it was going to be a landslide…

Was having a pretty heavy discussion with my friend on the drive back from Jindy the other week. and thats when I first shared my thoughts!

Can i ask a question (again not wanting to flame flames…)

Do we really think the current government has had a chance to make a difference due to the hung parliament? ie Libs are just going to have the same problems I feel… just with different agendas.