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Federal Election 2013

Tobi - 08 August 2013 03:24 PM
Mizu Kuma - 08 August 2013 02:34 PM

Sounds like a legit asylum seeker to me?????

I don’t understand what you mean by this comment.

It’s not illegal to seek asylum, nor is it to arrive by boat.

By the laws of this country, it is illegal to arrive without a proper visa!!!!!

It’s very much the same in most countries!!!!!


• Asylum seekers who enter Australia without a valid visa by boat or plane are not illegal. They are permitted to enter without prior authorisation because this right is protected by Article 31 of the 1951 Refugee Convention which recognises they have good cause for entering without a visa.
• No offence under Australian law criminalises the act of arriving in Australia without a valid visa for the purposes of seeking asylum.

It may be illegal to arrive without a visa for other purposes but not when seeking asylum.


Somebody had better tell Kevin too then?????

Mizu Kuma - 08 August 2013 04:19 PM

Somebody had better tell Kevin too then?????

Tobi’s right, seeking asylum is not illegal, whether you arrive by boat or plane. Pretty sure Kevin knows this, but the truth very rarely wins votes. Doubt the PNG plan will hold up under scrutiny, much like the malaysian plan. How they can justify sending people to a country with known human rights violations on the regular boggles my mind and disgusts the hell out of me. Quite frankly I would rather we take asylum seekers and send away ignorant and arrogant aussie bogans who refuse to work or get off centrelink and provide no contribution to society.

We have the capacity to help and I just can’t understand we we wont :(

Tobi - 08 August 2013 03:24 PM
Mizu Kuma - 08 August 2013 02:34 PM

Sounds like a legit asylum seeker to me?????

I don’t understand what you mean by this comment.

Mizu’s comment isn’t hard to understand at all. Quite simply, unlike the majority of illegal boat people these days merely pretending to be “asylum seekers”, John Nguyen’s family were legitimately in need of asylum - and they showed the decency to wait their turn while legitimately applying through the correct channels instead of deceitfully exploiting an irrelevant, outdated legal loophole.

Tobi - 08 August 2013 03:24 PM

It’s not illegal to seek asylum, nor is it to arrive by boat.

When you discard all the deceptive spin and consider the actual facts of the matter, the term “asylum seeker” is every bit as fallacious as “illegal immigrant” - which means if one term is deemed acceptable, so should be the other.

If the left-wing bleeding-heart apologists object to the legitimacy of referring to “boat people” as “illegal immigrants”, they should cease using the term “asylum seekers” - because as we are all well aware, the legitimacy of many asylum claims is highly questionable at best.

In the interests of accuracy, when referring to people who attempt to deliberately manipulate legal ‘asylum’ loopholes to gain residency in any country other than the closest point of refuge to their home country, these far more applicable terms should be used - “economic opportunists”, or “country shoppers”.

beachndogs - 08 August 2013 04:49 PM

We have the capacity to help and I just can’t understand we we wont :(

Due to the ignorance of the Labor/Green alliance and many of their gullible followers, the finances, infrastructure and manpower which would otherwise be utilised to help those genuinely in need of assistance, is instead wasted on deceitful, freeloading country shoppers.

chucky - 08 August 2013 09:39 PM
Tobi - 08 August 2013 03:24 PM
Mizu Kuma - 08 August 2013 02:34 PM

Sounds like a legit asylum seeker to me?????

I don’t understand what you mean by this comment.

It’s not illegal to seek asylum, nor is it to arrive by boat.

Mizu’s comment isn’t hard to understand at all. Quite simply, unlike the majority of illegal boat people these days merely pretending to be “asylum seekers”, John Nguyen’s family were legitimately in need of asylum - and they showed the decency to wait their turn while legitimately applying through the correct channels instead of deceitfully exploiting an irrelevant, outdated legal loophole.


Calling them illegal boat people is a straight up oxymoron, since the vast majority are seeking asylum. And as you pointed out, seeking asylum is not illegal, despite out how outdated you believe the law to be.

beachndogs - 08 August 2013 09:47 PM

Calling them illegal boat people is a straight up oxymoron, since the vast majority are seeking asylum. And as you pointed out, seeking asylum is not illegal, despite out how outdated you believe the law to be.


People smuggling is illegal, as is paying a criminal to perform an illegal act on your behalf. Therefore, by far the most accurate term to describe people who pay criminals to ferry themselves into our waters on illegal boats is illegal boat people.

Furthermore, “the vast majority” are absolutely NOT genuinely “seeking asylum” - they are only pretending to be. The fact that so many of them get away with it is simply a testament to the pathetically farcical state in which the system is run.

chucky - 08 August 2013 09:55 PM
Tobi - 08 August 2013 03:24 PM

Calling them illegal boat people is a straight up oxymoron, since the vast majority are seeking asylum. And as you pointed out, seeking asylum is not illegal, despite out how outdated you believe the law to be.


People smuggling is illegal, as is paying a criminal to perform an illegal act on your behalf. Therefore, by far the most accurate term to describe people who pay criminals to ferry themselves into our waters on illegal boats is illegal boat people.

Furthermore, “the vast majority” are absolutely NOT genuinely “seeking asylum” - they are only pretending to be! The fact that so many of them get away with it is simply a testament to the pathetically farcical state in which the system is run.

Well sure, I could just take your word for it, or I could take the information I obtained while working for 5 years as Mortuary Commander of the Queensland Disaster Victim Identification Unit, which required mandatory training with the AFP and officers responsible for intercepting the boats and detaining asylum seekers. The vast majority are in fact legitimate asylum seekers, and after hearing their stories, I have no doubt that most Australians in their positions would be inclined to make similar decisions to create better futures for themselves and their families. Persecution is a bitch.

You were right about people smugglers. Which are the folks we should be no doubt focusing our resources on stopping. But the issue is not as simple as calling all boat people ‘illegals’. And I am educated about the issue enough not to buy into the government propaganda that is being perpetuated.

beachndogs - 08 August 2013 10:17 PM

The vast majority are in fact legitimate asylum seekers . . .

I don’t believe that even for a second. The genuinely “legitimate asylum seekers” are the ones struggling to survive in refugee camps, who do NOT have the luxury to pay tens of thousands of dollars to people smugglers then deliberately destroy all their documents en route to their country of choice. Just because the government appointed bleeding-heart do-gooder brigade declare so many of these country shopping economic opportunists “legitimate asylum seekers” does NOT make it so.

chucky - 08 August 2013 10:31 PM
beachndogs - 08 August 2013 10:17 PM

The vast majority are in fact legitimate asylum seekers . . .

I don’t believe that even for a second. The genuinely “legitimate asylum seekers” are the ones struggling to survive in refugee camps, who do NOT have the luxury to pay tens of thousands of dollars to people smugglers then deliberately destroy all their documents en route to their country of choice. Just because the government appointed bleeding-heart do-gooder brigade declare so many of these country shopping economic opportunists “legitimate asylum seekers” does NOT make it so.

Well we’ll just have to agree to disagree on the issue of what constitutes a legitimate asylum. Our opinions are born of our experience and clearly our experiences have led us to have extremely divergent opinions on the subject.

Plus, generally find I don’t need to argue a point when I have right on my side wink

Take it easy Chucky


should read *asylum seeker

beachndogs - 08 August 2013 10:47 PM

Well we’ll just have to agree to disagree…...


I can’t be bothered getting into an argument on the internet about something like this.



beachndogs - 08 August 2013 10:47 PM

. . . when I have LEFT on my side.

I fixed it for you.

As you don’t actually have truth on your side, all that remains is your delusional left-wing ideology.

As much as the average left-wing zealot believes their delusions are real simply because they really, really, really, really, reeeeeeeeally want them to be - sadly, in actual reality, that just isn’t the case.


If these geniuses are ever in a position where they’ve been busted paying a criminal to perform an illegal act on their behalf, I’d absolutely LOVE to see them go up before a magistrate and say “we’ll have to agree to disagree”. Face, meet palm.