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Enough Already!!!


My birthday has been and gone so Autumn should be here!!

I can not remember the last time I was swimming on my birthday day – I told that to my mum and she laughed and said as a kid I always complained that it wasn’t fair that I couldn’t have a pool party!!!

It is so god damn hot!

And there seems no end in sight! downer


I highly disapprove of this thread the return to summer is great!

Get out there and soak it up, this is one of the best things about living in straya!


As much as I love the beach and summer.. My bday is right in the middle! Its about 10 weeks till season opening.. Better get some snow soon!! At least by the end of April! (there is a guy on a weather forum who studies the snow and is the most accurate I have ever seen.. And he predicts snow pretty soon.. And I’m not gona argue with that!)


DRC -  I hear you! (and knew you would oppose this thread!)

I could never do back to back winters. I do need some heat and sunshine…

But Oct - Mar is about my limit for hot weather!

So mother nature you have about 5 days to get this heat out of your system or michelle


Does this mean a late snow season start??

I hope not grrr


he is rarely wrong.. (both mr.h0z and a good friend that does every trip with us, have both commented already haha


And for those of you with out facebook

“The Grasshopper
Yesterday at 4:50pm ·

Who’s ready for winter?

Should have the first seasonal snow outlook ready to drop by early next week.

Those days are getting shorter.”


Hell. Yes.

I’m coming home from Japan in 2 weeks cause the season died way too early. So I would love to get called in to work early at Perisher…. cause getting a crappy part time job sucks!

Andy Aitken - 26 March 2013 12:11 AM

Does this mean a late snow season start??

I hope not grrr

This is what I am worried about if we lived in DRC’s world.

Even though snow fall now is wasted we do need the atmosphere to cool way before June!

Andy Aitken - 26 March 2013 12:17 AM

Hell. Yes.

I’m coming home from Japan in 2 weeks cause the season died way too early. So I would love to get called in to work early at Perisher…. cause getting a crappy part time job sucks!

Yeah Andy when I was in Hukuba last week of Feb a couple of years ago it was +10 deg and skiing was no better than Aus spring stuff !

And even though there was a lot of cover a lot of runs were closed due to massive cracks opening in the snow!


You guys get relief on Friday I think with a southerly change, I’ll be outta here and back to warmer temps agaiin!


In my perfect world it would be summer (with daylight savings) all the way up until a week out then puke down Japan style.

Sure it’s exciting to see snow fall now but it’s not going to stick around or do any sort of base building. I just accept that even in it’s finest form Australia snow is a fickle beast so I’m not going to worry about it until the season is well under way. As long as the nights get cold once the season starts they can fire up the snowguns and we can all be happily riding on ice before we know it!

I love the snow don’t get me wrong but to wish away this sensational weather is crazyness. Enjoy it now and worry about the snow when it’s actually winter/snow season.


i say Fuck summer never liked it and never will like it. its freaking hot and i can’t sleep, although i do love water activities but you can do that even when its winter…

drc13 - 26 March 2013 12:38 AM

In my perfect world it would be summer (with daylight savings) all the way up until a week out then puke down Japan style.

Sure it’s exciting to see snow fall now but it’s not going to stick around or do any sort of base building. I just accept that even in it’s finest form Australia snow is a fickle beast so I’m not going to worry about it until the season is well under way. As long as the nights get cold once the season starts they can fire up the snowguns and we can all be happily riding on ice before we know it!

I love the snow don’t get me wrong but to wish away this sensational weather is craziness. Enjoy it now and worry about the snow when it’s actually winter/snow season.

DRC it is NEVER going to work like that!

There is no way in Australia that if it was warm (or mild temps even) up to June that even if we got an epic dump that it would stick.

Unfortunately the ground has to cool substantially and if we keep getting this warm weather that’s never going to happen.

And to think that snowmaking will stick if we have a warm autumn is also craziness!

Sorry I can’t even agree to disagree on this one.

An above average autumn is almost suicidal in terms of a decent season for us here.

And some peoples livelyhoods (or work life balance) relies on us having a reasonable winter!


i think drc just wants to wear his tony abbot swimmers.


Wow, there is still over two months left before winter is here, I honestly don’t think it’s time to start shitting yourself about it being a bad season this year already.  If it’s still 28 degrees towards the end of May in Jindy then yes I might start to really worry, until that happens I’m going to enjoy surfing in boardies for as long as I can.  Some of you really need to learn to appreciate summer by surfing or wakeboarding more.  I hate the heat but that just means I need to spend more time in the water and hurry up and buy my own damn ;place so I can install aircon and solar panels to run the thing!