The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive




Might be a few people interested….

Tour Guide Wanted for Weekend Snow Trips!

Hey everyone have any of you been on one of our amazing weekend coach packages to Thredbo with our awesome guides?!?

Now you have the opportunity to join the team! We are looking for a tour guide to work on weekends for the 2013 season!

If this sounds like the job for you message us a little bit about yourself telling us why you would like the job and what makes you the perfect person for this role. Include your email and phone number.

Make sure you add us as your friend so we can check out how awesome you are!


How am I gonna show them how awesome I am, when I don’t have Facebook?????


Haha Mizu!

For anyone thinking of applying - you more often than not have to stay off snow!!

ozgirl - 25 March 2013 07:37 AM

Haha Mizu!

For anyone thinking of applying - you more often than not have to stay off snow!!

They put you up at Snowy Valley and give you a bus each day.


I don’t want the job!!!!!

I just wanted to show them how awesome I was!!!!!


I have had a few conversations with Oz Snow Adventure guides, they had plenty of good to say about the job and they indicated they often stayed where their group stay.
I guess the ones I spoke with all were staying in Thredbo.


My guess is lying Spaz!


if you get the job mizu ill defs go on a trip with them haha

Rick0889 - 25 March 2013 08:07 AM

if you get the job mizu ill defs go on a trip with them haha

Cause you already know just how awesome I am, Rick!!!!! shaka

CRACKERS - 25 March 2013 07:20 AM

Make sure you add us as your friend so we can check out how awesome you are!

See what they have done there?

Invited you to show off your best & WORST parts!!!

Check what you liked before being friends with them if you want the job smile