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Should Jeramus (The Real BW God) ban DRC’s DP Pics?????

Poll: Should DRC be banned from postin pics of himself in Budgie Smugglers on BW?????
Total Votes: 16
No, as I have a thing for Tony Abbot!!!!!
Yes, if ya wanna see cocktail franks in a plastic bag, go to the fridge section at Woolies!!!!!

Let the people speak!!!!!

And then for The All Mighty One to then Act upon the will of his Disciples!!!!!


Haha I must have really spoilt your lunch mizu! I’ve got a feeling I’m going to get owned by this poll.

I feel like my future on bw is being decided here….

In my defence the creator of this site also has a penchant towards tight fitting Lycra so I was just trying to fit in!



I think context is need.

DRC Riders challenge - photo worth it!

Todays not so much!

But the part that made my eye grow wide would have been visible if the same pic was shot and he was wearing boardies!!

Maybe smaller versions is needed! It was what I saw upon scrolling that concerned me!

DAMN IT I have to vote to see the responses…


Errrrm ban

I think drc has exposed him self enough


Sounds like a no vote to me Kim! Got me interested as to what was odd in today’s pic nothing’s real clear on my phone in the glare of the scorching sun today.

Really Lano? I thought we were better friends than that…

Edit: putting the pieces together I reckon I’ve worked out the concern. Stress less ozzy.


Well you have to imagine I was scrolling ... and the pic is substantially larger on this screen at work vs your phone…

The um muscle tone swell on your lower back caused some alarm which soon passed.

I can’t believe i just “said” that…


Mizu, you’re guilty of idolatry and are herefore fined double your current BWPIMA fees to $51,000.


Haha ok nope my putting together of the puzzle was a little askew. Too funny Kim. Sorry about the size I thought I’d resized it pretty small (was originally sent in an mms)


See what’s happenin now!!!!!

oz has just gone into labour, and DRC’s most likely receivin localised swellin!!!!!  teacherboy


Haha - i wondered if you would actually look in this thread.

Just so you know I would go getting your stoke on this afternoon if you want to save your vision!


NBG FTW now vote No big mike tongue rolleye

NBG - 25 March 2013 03:14 AM

Mizu, you’re guilty of idolatry and are herefore fined double your current BWPIMA fees to $51,000.

Can’t I just say 50 Hail Mary’s or somethin?????  long face


all gone wrong in this thread…


Ok int he interest of context where is this picture so I can make an accurate adjudication.  I just wish that the no vote hadn’t been framed around that stupid little wingnut moron known as Abbot.  How about

No, I always liked The Hoff in Baywatch!

Mizu Kuma - 25 March 2013 03:17 AM
NBG - 25 March 2013 03:14 AM

Mizu, you’re guilty of idolatry and are herefore fined double your current BWPIMA fees to $51,000.

Can’t I just say 50 Hail Mary’s or somethin?????  long face

Perhaps you would like the BWPIMA to represent you, in that case after payme…. sorry appropriate representation fees have been paid I can retrospectively censor myself so it doesn’t look like you owe anything or I can make a new decree that top forum posters are exempt from BWPIMA membership fees.

How would you like to proceed Mr Mizu?


You watched Baywatch for The Hoff?????  hmmm