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Random Facts

spaz - 05 November 2010 11:21 PM

Mt Kosciuszko is neither the highest point in Australian territory or on this continental shelf.

What is???


Carstensz Pyramid (Dutch name) or ‘Puncak Jaya’ in New Guinea is the highest on the continent and ‘Big Ben’ on Heard Island in the Southern Indian Ocean is the highest in our territory.


Well there you go, I had no idea of all that!?

I never heard of Heard Island either.


Is there a Heard Island? go figure, I’m sure I can work that into a never ending joke at work . . mostly cuz I’ve nothing better to do- at work anyways LOL


hehehe wink


BIG BEN on Heard Island (2,745 metres at Mawson Peak) and drops all the way to the sea. Thats 2,745m vert. To put this image in scale - In Thredbo Village looking up to Eagles Nest will fit 7 times. That’s about the size of the glacier spilling into the sea in this photo.


I also have a photo similar to this, given to me by the Thredbo Safety Officer, taken of the ship he used to work on from a chopper in front of Heard isl. I think the above photo is also taken from the air otherwise half the island would be below the horizon.
In his shot the seas where 6m. I reckon in this photo those waves at the bottom of the image are pretty similar.

These islands have the gnarliest weather on the planet.


Very cool!

Maybe that’s the place for Travis Rice to dominate next wink


That’s awesome spaz! Thanks for sharing the info.

Mizu Kuma - 07 November 2010 08:19 AM

Looks like a real ‘leg burner’ !!!! What’s a season pass goin for these days???

About $7000 for the boat trip but no anchorage so you get left there.
More for safety gear.
$0 for accom - there is none - it’s not Antartica and no outpost is set up though Penguin research was done there in the ‘90s and Seal hunting was established for a few years in the early 1900’s (and it was only a few)
Travel insurance through the Navy - they are the only ones that can there in a hurry but will take then a week or so.
Funeral costs - it’s one of the 2 active volcano’s of Australia (the other is the next island over) and you’ll be dead before the navy arrives for anything less minor than an eruption.
Lots of hiking even with skido or cat, I don’t think a heli can get a weather window it’s always windy, if you can offload heavy equipment, which I don’t think you can.
Penguin and seal for food so take a club and prepare to eat it raw as there are no trees to make fire.

Me and my best boarding buddy live in dream of doing this hill. - BUCKET LIST - who’s coming?


“Stewardesses” is the longest word in english typed only on the left hand.


A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes

spaz - 07 November 2010 09:53 PM
Mizu Kuma - 07 November 2010 08:19 AM

Looks like a real ‘leg burner’ !!!! What’s a season pass goin for these days???

Me and my best boarding buddy live in dream of doing this hill. - BUCKET LIST - who’s coming?

I’m in !!!!!!!!!!!


a dishwasher uses less water then washing the dishes by hand

Mizu Kuma - 11 November 2010 02:35 AM

Now how in the hell would you know that????  LOL

I just use my tongue!!! It doesn’t use any water at all that way!!!!

hahaha i had the tv on in the background and i heard it off that