The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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The spooky connection between us goes on Azz. I dig Glee (and Trainspotting).
Of course.
I’m surprised the universe didn’t collapse when we met.
What number am I thinking of?
69 DUDE !!!!!!!
Air guitar solo X4.
Dude, strange things are afoot at the circle K
It’s been to long.
Either I’m downloading it tonight or hiring it tomoz. Scrap that - buying it tomorrow.
Caesar was a salad dressing dude.
Your mum is HOT! Remember when we used to…..
Most defiantly a DVD to own.
It seems to me the only thing you’ve learned is that Caesar is a “salad dressing dude.”
I dunno. Philosophize with him!
WTF? We would call him Jeff !!!!!!!!
or Seth, I think thats a rad name.
All jokes aside, I was going to be Sebastian if Dad had his way, but Mum pulled the pin on that plan, so the compromise was Aaron.
Should I be upset my name was a compromise?
We would call HER Jeff
He would be “Ted Theodore Logan Esquire The Third”
It’s ok Azz, you just had a brain fart.
New thread for us started..
Azz and I also share the same birthday.
Not to mention that we are both outstandingly handsome.
And great snowboarders, who have a 7yo daughter,
and very strange and wicked ex…....