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Well after 3 months in the new job and them paying for my move back to Sydney I was made redundant on Friday. Unfortunately due to factors outside my control the company I was with decided they could not sustain my position along with a couple of others. The NSW GM got the news and then me, another guy gets it today after 2 weeks leave, that would be nice to come back to.

Weird feeling, unpleasant but in some respects full of promise, I was having some reservations about the company anyway and as the MD said, “well at least we got you back to Sydney.”

Driving hom I was kinda despondent for about 30mins and then realised it might be a great opportunity to refresh, recharge and find something better. My main issue was feeling like I was letting my chick down, she has a job but the thought of not being able to provide/contribute was my main concern as we have rent to think about and another few months on my car CHP.

Getting 6 weeks wages which I think (without having looked on the relevant award or whatever) is probably fairly decent considering I was 4 days over the 3 month probation period. Plan on picking up some labouring work with a mate whose a landscaper, living off that and trying to keep the lump sum to the side as savings. The added benefit being it will help me shift some of this extra weight I have put on over the last 3 months. Shifting our lives and all that entails kinda screwed with my gym time and diet, my fault but still.

At a bit of a crossroads as I’m a little undecided as to where I want to go now, Im figuring on staying in sales but might go with an industry swap. I have a gnawing feeling that I should have a go at starting a business but in what I don’t know but I dunno if I want to keep working for other people/companies for the rest of my life.

So many damn decisions, spent an hour sorting my resume and sending off some applications within my industry this morning to get the ball rolling but not sure if I really want that for myself anymore. I’m just about to turn 32 and seem to be having a mid life crisis, unfortunately I dont have the funds for a Ferrari to complete that picture ha ha!


Sorry to hear mate.
I heard plumbing pays good smile


Man that sux!

Sounds like your keeping your head together, keep it that way - stay positive.

The commitment to starting your own business is BIG. Unless your driven to put every single financial resource you have into it your not ready and you begin heading in the wrong direction straight away.

You have to ‘want to’ sell everything you have and work even while you sleep. Only people with that kind of desire can make it happen.

^Not my advice.
This is what most professionals will tell you, it’s what I was asked many times and glad I had that preparation and didn’t ignore it.

I started with 30 grand 1.5 years ago - now I live with out of my mums pantry. Still committed as the business is not to blame for the financial loss, but if I wasn’t mentally prepared to give up everything and end up worse off than I am now, I couldn’t have stuck it out and would have waisted everything I’ve lost.

With this attitude doors open continually and help comes flooding. Or you’ll find yourself banging your head against doors and begging for help.

There was a time I was going to spend that money on travelling - how long do you think I could have travelled on $30,000 - I would still be at it now. That’s how bad you have to want it!


SFS, I used to be a plumber, not my cup of tea really.

I hear you about the small business Spaz, I have really been racking my brain for some time now as to what would be a profitable line to get into.  The lifestyle jobs/business in surf/snow/photography really dont pay that well as every man and his dog is trying to crack it.  Been trying to find something that has an as yet untapped market etc etc.  The kind of ideas you have lying in bed at night from time to time, your pretty much convinced it’s a goer and then within 15 mins of researching on the net discover it’s been done already by 10 different companies.

Theres always bloody lotto I guess.

The silver lining is that my chicks new job opens up a whole world of travel, NY for $400, Japan for $300, Chile for $350, UK for $450, all of that is return btw.  That won’t kick in for another 5 months so, should have a decent job well under way by then.


+1 about the small business thing. It’s a whole lot more work than most people think! Sure there’s the benefit of being able to come and go as it suits and being flexible in terms of holidays, but it comes with the trade off that you’ll work twice the hours as the majority and at least for the first few years, for less money than you could be earning working for someone else!

Get yourself a job labouring down here at the desalination plant. I know unskilled blokes that are raking in $2-3k a week with all of the allowances and half the time they’ve been off anyway due to the weather (oh the irony!).


Thats so crap dude, you know what you have to do now, burn em burn em all…..... All the best dude!!!!


That’s a sh*t go, mate! Maybe its a sign, your perfect job maybe looking for you as we speak


Sorry to hear it mate, that’s never good news. hmmm  Keep your head up, something great could be just around the corner!


Had an interview with a recruitment mob today and have another couple lined up this week so might be an interesting fortnight or so, looking forward to one of them a lot actually, will see how it goes, trying to temper my thoughts for now though.


Phone Centerlink! Even if you never intend on needing the dole (and the process of getting on it is a bitch). If you end up in a dire financial position they will back pay you from the first contact you made. Think of it as insurance, there is no excuse - do it, trust me, do it.
You never know how far fate will flush you down the toilet and fate’s dunny leads to a place way worse than a human sewer.
Contact them and make an appointment in a couple of months time or continue to extend the appointment times they give you.