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Role Call ~ 07-10-10


I think nyteskye has just started driving trains, after completing his training. I might send him a message to see how he’s doing.


Tills got a promotion to Sales Rep for his job. Instead of sitting at a computer bludging on here all day, he drives around schmoozing clients and sending me photos like this -

Mizu Kuma - 07 October 2010 03:21 AM

What run is that???

Looks like its just been groomed!!!

haha smile

Mizu Kuma - 06 October 2010 11:39 PM

Hey Tambazz, is the ‘Role Call ~ ’ thread open for the any member to start it for the day, commencin at midnight????

Or, are we gonna hold you responsible for it’s daily upkeep????  cool hmm

Anyone can start, maybe the first up each day, not sure. Somewhere for idle chat and something to do while drinking your first coffee for the day.

as cords said in the other thread, it’s ROLL, not role.

I’ll try harder in the future Gamblor. hope you get some turns in soon mate cool smile

I do like Mizu’s explanation…......

Role • the function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation : she greeted us all in her various roles of mother, forum member, friend, and daughter | religion plays a vital role in society.

Call • summon (something, esp. an emergency service, forum member or a taxicab) by telephone : if you are suspicious, call the police.

Role Call • the act of urgently summoning one that plays a vital part in a society such Boardworld

Only two more hours of work grin

Just got off the phone to my mate he wants me to head to Sydney for his bucks do at the V8 supercars, Tony Hawk is going to be doing a demo at Monster on the Saturday night, think I should go?

rider26 - 07 October 2010 01:47 AM

Yoga was awesome! I’ve completed about 20 sessions now. I am probably in the the best shape I have been in for years.

In the olden days, just after the Earth cooled and the world was still in Black & White, I went to yoga. After a few sessions I was politely asked to stay away, it seems I had trouble with sitting still, taking things seriously & I snored during meditation.
I am sure I have changed now, maybe I should head back for another round.


:-O is that true about tony hawk? anyone got any details? I’d love to go see him skate in the flesh! I’m gonna google it now!


I hope so, I would love to see / meet Mr Hawk.

Last time I went to Monster I meet Rune Glifberg (sp?) and Renton Miller.

What did you learn cords?


ok so its not til december 4 + 5…& I think we’ll be away camping that weekend…ah well. Next time!


I haven’t been to monster yet but I’m pretty keen. Especially since I just read on their website that girls skate for free on mondays! I haven’t skated for a good few months now though so I’ll ride a bit more, get some rhythm and then go up for a visit.


Its heaps fun there, I had the best time on the inside section, t’was peeing rain outside so it filled our day.

We went to Five Docks the next day, it was awesome too.

Tambazz - 07 October 2010 04:31 AM
rider26 - 07 October 2010 01:47 AM

Yoga was awesome! I’ve completed about 20 sessions now. I am probably in the the best shape I have been in for years.

In the olden days, just after the Earth cooled and the world was still in Black & White, I went to yoga. After a few sessions I was politely asked to stay away, it seems I had trouble with sitting still, taking things seriously & I snored during meditation.
I am sure I have changed now, maybe I should head back for another round.

Try Bikram - it’s pretty hard to fall asleep in 38 to 42 degrees heat.  tongue wink

cords - 07 October 2010 04:44 AM

I haven’t been to monster yet but I’m pretty keen. Especially since I just read on their website that girls skate for free on mondays! I haven’t skated for a good few months now though so I’ll ride a bit more, get some rhythm and then go up for a visit.

Monster is pretty cool. They have a foam pit, so you can launch and try new tricks. They film the foam pit and have it on 30 second delay, so you do your trick, then you get to watch yourself on the big TV.


Pretty much. The room is heated to a minimum of 38 degrees. The session is 90 minutes long.

Check it out:

Here are the FAQ’s:


The first few sessions smashed me. My fitness, strength, and flexibility have all improved since then. I’ll be continuing yoga when I get to Whistler. I feel it goes hand in hand with snowboarding.


Bikram sounds great! I should start, I can touch my forehead with my toe - that’s a start right?? right???!