The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


How many days will you be riding this season?


I’ll be up to 22 after this weekend, hopefully we can still squeeze in a few more before the end of the season!


im up to 13! but 10 of those were in NZ. and the 3 oz ones were at Selwyn, need to go check out the other parks. hoping to get so sweden in jan/feb though.

my first ever season I did over 140 days in Swe, i had a bar job at night and free season pass so could ride everyday, plus i got a calendar and marked off everyday i rode to keep me keen. the next season i only managed about 70….mustve got picky!haha

I didnt start boarding until i was about 25 and im still learning something nearly everytime im at the snow.
i wish i started earlier but you can still have a great time when your older!


After this w/e I’ll be up to 10 days.. actually a hell of a lot more than I was expecting considering I’m saving to head overseas so pretty stoked about it. Not to mention I’ve taken no annual leave off work to head down thats all in tact to cash in when i resign haha


probs only 1 or 2 long face


ok if you count all days this year 25 in japan
plus 9 at perisher so far this season…probs gonna buy the mid season pass this weekend.


11 in the NoHe
0 in the SoHe…..

Won’t be adding to the tally until Jan 27, 2011….


Headin down next weekend for 3 days cant wait and already went down for a week on the 15th and did a one dayer at the start of August all at Thredbo so goooooooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!