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How many days will you be riding this season?

I am aiming for around the 30 days mark. I will probably be buying a Thredbo season pass, and I will be down there as much as possible.

How many days are you aiming for?


as much as possible hopefully more than 10 but it depends…hopefully going back to japan for 5 weeks this coming NH season, so i’ll be saving for that.


only 5 this season i think :( need to save and get overseas for the NH season!


Where you going in NH, cmat?


well havent organized it but ive always wanted to go to japan and then maybe america


Sadly, I think I’m past my prime….
Past the college days, past the young married days…
With my first child being born in maybe 8 weeks from now… Life happens.
The next 5 years or so will be small years, sadly but they will be exciting - there is more to life.
Once the kids grow up, I am sure it will be every weekend again.

For the next season, if I can get 20-30 days, I’d be very happy.

snowslider - 20 June 2009 01:15 PM

With my first child being born in maybe 8 weeks from now….

I didn`t know that..
Congrats in advance James,  to you and your wife…


snowslider, I thought the same thing when 5.5 years ago I was in your position;

3 years ago (at 2.5 yo) I put my daughter (then 2.5 yo) on skis for the first time, the enjoyment she got out of it prompted my misses to hire some skis to join us on the snow (this is after not enjoying snowboarding in 2001 after I set her up with all the gear) The enjoyment she got out of it changed our lives.

Each year after, our yearly snow trips become longer at the insistance of my girlfriend, at the start of this year, when I suggested we move to Thredbo and she can home school our daughter and ski whenever she wants, it took her one afternoon to decide to do it.

I now board everyday, I’m up at 5am keen and waiting for the sun to come up- I’m one of the older members here and not yet past my prime. Don’t wright yourself off yet.


Well since my season is over I will answer for next season and I’m hoping to hit about 30, hopefully more!!


That’s encouraging spaz, thanks!


werd..Way to go Spaz…
and I`m sure I can safely add..“Young fellow “


more importantly, who will be rocking the onesie this season?


im going to set my aim at 120 for next season. it will be hard work, but hell yeah its going to be fun!


did 118 scanned days plus a bunch more teaching on the carpet.. ill one up louise for 121 ... ha.


im well past the 100 mark
but thats only cause of where i am..
ride as much as you can, or as much as you can and it still makes you happy
if your still slap happy after riding as much as you can….then move to whistler and ride everyday.


I know its lame but I’ve done 10 so far & hoping to get up around 15…maybe a few more. After riding 85 days when I did a season its feels super lame to say that. Hopefully I can afford some time in japan 2011…just have to see!