The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


What do you have planned for summer?


Yeah it’s something thats crossed my mind. For now I’m happy enough to have a job with ~40hr a week guaranteed through a phone call and email. Once I’m over there I may look elsewhere for somewhere that involves night work.


Did you guys go through OWH?


Since I’m returning for another season I just contacted the head of lift ops to line it all up.


Oooh! Sweet - connected. Did you need to apply for another visa or was your one still valid?
Aha, need more stickers gonna do some boardworld tagging.


Working and staying out of the sun as much as possible! LOL

The department I work for shuts down over Christmas so I get almost two weeks off paid. Sweet!

December we have our end of season football trip which should be a load of fun! The better half and I are also planning to go quad biking. We picked up a flyer at the tourist centre in Jindy and it looks like a lot of fun.

snowforshow - 30 September 2010 10:49 AM

Oooh! Sweet - connected. Did you need to apply for another visa or was your one still valid?
Aha, need more stickers gonna do some boardworld tagging.

My old visa expires late November this year so had to get a new one which is all sorted so I’m set for another 2 years.


Which mountain are you working on Finney?


I received my letter of introduction yesterday - also sorted for the next two seasons! cool smile

I was on a sponsorship visa last time, however you have to work full-time, which is not what I want to do this season.


Professional Work Expereince for Uni (Paid) and thus saving a buttload of cash for:
- my next snowboard (probably at the end of the NoHe season, for massive savings from the US and the AUD expected to be above $1.05 soon)
- my next snow trip (hopefully a 2 - 3 week stint in NZ again next year) and
- my first snow season (Colorado 2011/2012)(hopefully)

So, all in all, I’m going to be working lots and spending little. I’ll still be working weekends at the coffeeshop that I work at and fingers crossed the Engineering firm that I will be working with is generous in its pay package.

When living in Perth Snowboarding is an expensive hobby.

snowforshow - 01 October 2010 01:54 AM

Which mountain are you working on Finney?

I’ll be working whistler, fair few others on here will also be over there aswell so looking to be an awesome season


Isn’t it great how our Ozzy dollar is almost as equivalent to the USD? It would be pretty funny to see when the AUD rises above the USD, cheap gear ftwftwftwftw.


Oh yeah! Current predictions says we could get over $1.10!!!!!!


Good for people travelling.. not so good for me working over there because if I save anything it’s worth peanuts here hahaha

Scary part is that our lift passes here are even more expensive than riding overseas, now thats messed up.

finney - 01 October 2010 04:40 AM

Good for people travelling.. not so good for me working over there because if I save anything it’s worth peanuts here hahaha

Scary part is that our lift passes here are even more expensive than riding overseas, now thats messed up.

Lift tickets are provided if you work at the resort..

Brandy - 01 October 2010 04:18 AM

Oh yeah! Current predictions says we could get over $1.10!!!!!!

Currency can never be predicted.
So you’re better off when it hits peak exchange of the year so I guess $0.97USD out is good enough.