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What gets you fired up?  You get to rant!

darb - 21 September 2010 12:30 AM

And now just to touch base on the school rant too…haha

I am totally for foreign students paying more, I agree it is not a charity.

In the US, colleges (university) ago state by state, and if you live in the state that the college is in you get normal tuition… but if you live in one state, and move to another state to go to a college there, you usually end up paying about 3 times as much tuition cost. that is just normal…. I dot see a problem with charging someone from another country more,,, why not?
I am not sure what the US colleges charge for an international student… I would guess it would be the same as the out of state student cost.


I dont think he ever complained about getting charged more for his course.

I’m not an international student but i feel for them, when you see them eating 2minute noodles everyday…because they arent allowed to work more then 20hrs a week, and on crapy wages to. not all of them are sent here by rich parents, those that are, rarely get public transport anyway. So i still say give them student rates on public transport. it costs us nothing.

even if you dont care if they have to deal with that, International students are big business for Australia….we want them to have a good experience, we take the best graduates as well…..wringing every last cent out of them is bad for our image and the word gets around.

not to mention all the bullshit they get sent through visa wise.

Mizu Kuma - 21 September 2010 04:51 AM
CRACKERS - 21 September 2010 04:24 AM

International students are big business for Australia….

Oprah Winfrey will bring big $$$ to Australia as well!!!! Should we fund the whole Shebang???

All tourists bring $$$ into our country, should we give them all free transport??? We can just charge all us taxpayers a levy for it??? I’m sure that ya wont mind footin the bill for that proposition Crackers!!!!  wink

If you really think that Oprah is paying a cent out of her own pocket for her trip here you our crazier then I thought. 

Thing is Im here for 3 years trying to contribute to the country and someone that is coming here and holidaying can work more. Anyway Im done with my rant on this topic. lol


Why do construction workers have to go through random drug tests but politicians, lawyers, judges and even people on welfare can collect there cheques with no problems!

Mizu Kuma - 21 September 2010 04:51 AM
CRACKERS - 21 September 2010 04:24 AM

International students are big business for Australia….

Oprah Winfrey will bring big $$$ to Australia as well!!!! Should we fund the whole Shebang???

All tourists bring $$$ into our country, should we give them all free transport??? We can just charge all us taxpayers a levy for it??? I’m sure that ya wont mind footin the bill for that proposition Crackers!!!!  wink


I don’t really see the link between ripping more money out of some students (who are already paying and aren’t subsidised by any of my tax money)  and paying for a nice little trip for the rich…..... Anyway from what ive read you will be paying for Oprah.

and your exaggerating again, no one ever said give tourist free transport, and like i pointed out before but you conveniently ignored, public transport in NSW is funded by taxpayers…ticket sales dont even come close to covering running costs(yep thats right us taxpayers pay for it, just like the roads you drive on) again in affect you wouldnt be footing any extra bill for letting tourists ride on it for free. maybe you have got a good idea there Mizu! smile

pity Darb is bowing out, its just getting fun!...


keep it goin Crackers you have a good point with Mizu, i live in nsw and im an apprentice and i get money each year for tools, travel etc??????????

darb - 21 September 2010 05:35 AM

Why do construction workers have to go through random drug tests but politicians, lawyers, judges and even people on welfare can collect there cheques with no problems!

OMG I am SOOOOO with you on that one! I (as a contractor) was randomly drug tested all the time! Yet these lazy ass dole bludgers on crack still get their $ every week!

Screw it! Make them get tested, if they fail too bad no money for you!

Mizu Kuma - 21 September 2010 06:48 AM
darb - 21 September 2010 05:33 AM
Mizu Kuma - 21 September 2010 04:51 AM
CRACKERS - 21 September 2010 04:24 AM

International students are big business for Australia….

Oprah Winfrey will bring big $$$ to Australia as well!!!! Should we fund the whole Shebang???

All tourists bring $$$ into our country, should we give them all free transport??? We can just charge all us taxpayers a levy for it??? I’m sure that ya wont mind footin the bill for that proposition Crackers!!!!  wink

If you really think that Oprah is paying a cent out of her own pocket for her trip here you our crazier then I thought.

Don’t bail out on me yet darb!!!! Your not a level 3 anymore!!!!  wink

Oprah’s little holiday will be funded by big business, and I got no problem with that, because if ya wanna use Oprah endorsed product then you will be paying indirectly for her jaunt!!!!

As an Australian Taxpayer I feel that I shouldn’t have to direct 1 single cent towards it!!!! I would rather it go to the homeless, elderly or terminally ill, that’s all!!!

We can direct funds from one entity to another all day long, claimin that it will bring extra $$$ into the system, but in reality we don’t have an infinite amount of cash, and the best way to use some of the massive wealth of the western world is to give it to those that need it directly!!!!


I’ve read that AUS is paying a few million of it’s own money to help acommodate Oprah’s crew anyway…. sure it will bring attention and tourism to the country, and that’s not too much to pay for it:
“The talk-show queen announced a free trip to Australia for audience members, including a plane ride there flown by superstar John Travolta . However, it turns out the Australian government is putting in the cool $3 mil that it will take to get them there. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, officials claim this price is a bargain, considering the boost it will give to Australian tourism. “The publicity that Oprah will bring to Australia around the world is something you couldn’t buy,” former tourism minister John Brown said.”

You’re right, Oprah isnt really paying for it all. She takes it from the show’s budget as a tax write off, I’m sure. but ultimately it is less money in her own pocket. But she’s the richest African-American woman in the 20th century, and was once the worlds only black billionaire! (per wikipedia). She’s got a couple dollars to spend, and she does a lot of giveaways. Ultimately, like any good business woman, finds a way to make money while spending it… or to have others front the bill… like AUS tax payers in the sum of 2.8 million to help fund her trip…
I give her credit, as she has done very well for herself, though truthfully. So, I’m not hating on her at all.
but it just sounds odd that it costs a country money for her to come. That would bother me if it were my country during this economic mess we are in, to spend a few mill just to have a celebrity bring some friends over. I’m not so sure it is worth it.


Oprah coming is no different then when Tiger Woods came down.  The guys was coming down to make money..100k for the tourny winner…No other golfer got paid a cool mil to come golf.  This has all gone way off the original rant that started it which I still think that if I am paying for school treat me as a student.  If every Australian citizen that is going to school in Australia gets concessions then why dont the international students.  Its not a question of tax payer dollars and why you are paying so much tax.  Thats your fault for not running for prime minister your self.  If your going to complain about there being no change then get off your ass and be part of the change.  THE AUS GOV WONT LET ME!!!  And thats my prob.

Im trying to contribute and get the economy stimulated by working in the shops that need employees, hell Im even trying to start my own business… which in turn will pay more taxes and create more jobs for Australian citizens.  But the ones the gov allows to work full time and steal the jobs from aussies are the holidayers… If they cracked down on them may be Australia would not be known for having virtually no customer service.

Australia stop dumping money into tourism campaigns and start working on helping out your tax paying citizens (thats for you Mizu)

Oh and Im back in!


Another one that got me going recently:

So I have a BBQ at my place, and a few vegetarian people are coming, so I have to supply something meat free… in fact I had to go so far as cleaning the grill and cooking there soy burgers first so there was no meat juice (Aka flavor) on there food.  Now Im cool with being a good host.  BUT!!!  When I was invited to there house for a BBQ they did not even have a meat option.  Where is the hospitality.  Just because you think its humain to not eat me does not mean I dont eat it.  Next time I am going to buy a cow a whole freaking cow throw it on a spit and its going to be roasting for 7 days the gutter will run with hot juicy oil, cats from across the country will come to roll in the grease.

And that meat will be the only thing served.. may be a on a bun but you dont get a bun if you are a vegetarian.

Mizu Kuma - 22 September 2010 02:34 AM
darb - 22 September 2010 01:57 AM

Another one that got me going recently:

So I have a BBQ at my place, and a few vegetarian people are coming, so I have to supply something meat free… in fact I had to go so far as cleaning the grill and cooking there soy burgers first so there was no meat juice (Aka flavor) on there food.  Now Im cool with being a good host.  BUT!!!  When I was invited to there house for a BBQ they did not even have a meat option.  Where is the hospitality.  Just because you think its humain to not eat me does not mean I dont eat it.  Next time I am going to buy a cow a whole freaking cow throw it on a spit and its going to be roasting for 7 days the gutter will run with hot juicy oil, cats from across the country will come to roll in the grease.

And that meat will be the only thing served.. may be a on a bun but you dont get a bun if you are a vegetarian.

I’d put a Dolphin on the spit just to see the reaction!!! And say “Oh I thought that you were the fish eatin vego types, sorry my misunderstanding”!!!

ahh . . reminds me of How I met your Mother, Season 4

Ted: The lamb here is supposed to be great.
Nora: I am a vegan. I wish I could tune out that moral voice inside me that says eating animals is murder. But, I guess I’m just not as strong as you are.
Ted: That’s ‘cause you need protein

darb - 22 September 2010 01:57 AM

Another one that got me going recently:

So I have a BBQ at my place, and a few vegetarian people are coming, so I have to supply something meat free… in fact I had to go so far as cleaning the grill and cooking there soy burgers first so there was no meat juice (Aka flavor) on there food.  Now Im cool with being a good host.  BUT!!!  When I was invited to there house for a BBQ they did not even have a meat option.  Where is the hospitality.  Just because you think its humain to not eat me does not mean I dont eat it.  Next time I am going to buy a cow a whole freaking cow throw it on a spit and its going to be roasting for 7 days the gutter will run with hot juicy oil, cats from across the country will come to roll in the grease.

And that meat will be the only thing served.. may be a on a bun but you dont get a bun if you are a vegetarian.

I dont eat meat.
I try to avoid calling myself a vegetarian, because of all the RULES that people assume go with being a vegetarian. I’d rather just say that I eat waht I want, and I dont want to eat meat… see, cause I eat fish and sushi. so, if I had called myself a vegetarian, then I’d be a hypocrite, right? and since I drink milk and eat eggs… well you CANT do that if you’re a vegetarian… see what I mean. I just each what I want, and I dont want to eat meat.

When I was younger I used to be a bit proud about it… thinking I was saving the world or something because of it… Now, I’m just a stubborn ‘ol bull about it and dont want to change. My wife wishes I would though. Cause at times she feels like she is fixing 2 meals.

When I eat at someone else’s house I’m polite to not even mention my eating preferences, and just eat what is there thatI want to eat…. Now I’m not a picky eater, cause I like variety, I like foods from different cultures, I enjoy stir fry or hummus and falafel and sushi and egg noodles, or rice noodles or pad thai or even an dang case-a-dea. lol (gotta love Napolean Dynamite).  I eat a lot of things.

If I attend a BBQ, I EXPECT to eat cheese on a bun. If I’m lucky I get a tomato and lettuce too, and it’s good!
I’m going to a family pig roast in a couple weeks. They take a whole pig, cut it down the center and put it inside down on top of a huge grill. it cooks for hours and hours. I wont eat it a bit, but I’ll sure take the hotsauce that people put on it and put it on some potatoes or something that usually gets served with a big pig roast like that.

anyway. I just wanted to add to that conversation.
Fake meat patties are OK, but really if there’s enough potato salad and cole slaw etc type items, they shouldnt complain. if it is that big of a deal they can bring their own fake meat and put it in the microwave.

snowdragon - 22 September 2010 03:30 AM

Nora: I am a vegan. I wish I could tune out that moral voice inside me that says eating animals is murder. But, I guess I’m just not as strong as you are.
Ted: That’s ‘cause you need protein

That is darn funny!

Mizu Kuma - 22 September 2010 02:29 AM

Oh….......... and Welcome back darb!!!!! I knew you had an inner brute!!!!! ( Probably 4 of em tongue wink )

Nah just 3 unless you include the one I created called boardworld…anyone using it lol?


Ahhhh to many people to quote

First off Mizu

Suck it up thats what taxes are for… and I will suck it up and realise that if I meet any aussies when I move back to Canada I will only employe them part time and charge double rent lol (just kidding…kinda)

Mizu again…  My wife actually said to me the other day… “why is there dolphin friendly tuna I mean really its not tuna friendly”

Snowslider:  I say good on ya for being you!  I dont have anything against being veggie or even vegan… more so if someone expects something from me I will expect it back.  lol sort of.

And Mizu once again… Thats more grease then Ed Hardy convention would even need… well its as dirty as a ed hardy convention any way