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What gets you fired up?  You get to rant!


people coming to a complete stop in an ACCELERATION lane.
you know… the “on” ramp to a highway.

You’re supposed to press the gas pedal and get up to the speed of the traffic you are merging into. NOT come to a complete stop and back up everyone behind you.


I do not care that your sister can use “google sketch up” and has redesigned your house to be more like hers. Stop sending me this rubbish, because I’m not about to sit down and try to sift my way through it to see what you may or may not have “radically changed” and NO, I most certainly won’t be doing it before tomorrow…


yeah that drives me nuts, too. Easiest way to merge is to be going the same speed or faster…and possibly for that reason that is why everyone should have to have at least one lesson with a professional driving instructor, before getting their license.


People waiting for lifts! Grrr! You stupid sob get out of the door way!! I know you want to get in but step aside for people to get out you loser!! Omg it makes me so angry!!!


I hate when you’re sitting at the front at a set of traffic lights, and some knob jockey on a little 50cc Vespa weaves his/her way to the front, in front of you, and then when the light goes green they take of at a pace which could be bettered by my grandfathers wheelchair. And they end up slowing EVERYBODY down.

Was it really worth creeping up all the way to the front?????

Mizu Kuma - 17 September 2010 06:57 AM
darb - 11 September 2010 03:39 AM
CRACKERS - 11 September 2010 01:40 AM

That student cards only work in the state that the uni is in. do they think that we get richer if we cross a boarder?

also that they wont give international students, student rates on public transport…..instead they try and #$#k them for even more money.

Ya add all that up on mine tooo GRRRRRRRRR

Sorry CRACKERS and darb,

But I’m gonna have a rant about ya rant!!!! (the Tele-marketer dude must have got me fired up)

I am what is technically known as ‘uneducated’, by my own decisions and hold only myself responsible, and have never received a single cent from the government in any way, shape or form, period!!!

I have always worked and paid TAXES!!!!

These TAXES are spent on things such as subsidised student concession rates for public transport, as well as a multitude of other things that I’m sure that your aware of!!!!

Students even get discounted lift passes, movies etc etc from businesses, all of which are allowable through the inflated ticket price of non-concession customers!!!!

My rant is that I wish that people that have got it good, stop whingin about how bad you’ve got it, because when ya gettin stuff for cheaper than me, and the fact that I’m indirectly payin for the cheaper rate via my TAXES, and yet don’t qualify to receive them myself, then I think that I have paid for the right to rant about the system that’s in place and not the beneficiary of the system!!!!

thats fair I guess,Ill have a rant in the other direction….. if its going to work like that and we get to choose where our taxes go, I wont be subsidising fat peoples,old people, smokers etc’s health bills with my TAXES , and you better take away public transport all together, cause I hate to break it to you but cityrail only makes about half its expenditure back from tickets, so technically we are all be subsidised by taxes ( just don’t complain when you stuck in the bigger traffic jams).

not to mention that you it is myth when you say ’ paying for our tickets and multitude of other things’ most of these are imaginary subsidies….ski companies don’t lose money by giving cheaper passes to students, many wouldn’t go otherwise and its a ploy by them to get more money by bringing people that wouldn’t otherwise spend any money there at all. As for international students, thats a whole different argument, cause we are ripping them off already and if we are giving student discounts then it should be across the board…...I’m sure there could even be an argument made that subsidising study results in more taxes being paid in the end ( as on average tertiary educated people pay more tax p/person).....anways i have to go to the pub now, i think they have a student night at the north gong wink

Mizu Kuma - 17 September 2010 06:13 AM

FUKING Tele-marketers and Door to Door FUKING Sales People!!!!!!

The last thing I want is, when I’m kickin back relaxin and enjoyin ‘MY TIME’, is some pain in the arse company tryin to sell me somethin that I never even gave a passin thought about, until I was rudely interrupted by one of the poor suckers that have to cop the abuse for a measly commission that they aren’t even gonna be gettin!!!!!

And to anyone that ENCOURAGES these people…............ FUKING STOP!!!!!! If we all band together and ignore them, they WILL go away!!!!!

(sorry, but I just had one of the Fukers at the door just then)

I like telemarketers, only because when they ring my mission which i accept everytime is to make THEM hang up on ME!

It has worked on a couple of occassions… until darkclouds put us on the ‘do not call’ register!


thought you were tired after a hard day earning those tax dollars wink.


I need a rant.
My ex…

Xmass ‘09,
Dec 18 - Tells me we need couples counseling. I’ve no idea we had problems except for her complaint of lack of affection-she had lived at my parents for 8 weeks while daughter and I waited for her in Thredbo, we ended up coming to her in Sydney.
Dec 21 - (2nd session) Tells me we are separating, she needs space.

Easter ‘10
Runs off with daughter, undisclosed whereabouts and no access until I sign court order.

Sept 2010 (2 weeks before holidays, 3 until my b’day)
Again wont allow access or phone calls to daughter until I sign new agreement.

Every time my daughter and I are together phones me constantly and complains to every gov. dep. about my actions - all disregarded.
Now claims i need supervision to be with my daughter.
She believes she’s a fairy.
Now lives with her stalker of 10 years.
Changed ownership of my dog to her name.
Moved 500km and changed schools without telling me.
When I drive 500km for my access she refuses to allow daughter to be with me.

All because I stopped living out of her pocket, established a business that would support us and allow us to travel the world living in ski resorts. (Aug ‘09-invited to move family to Niseko - she found excuses to not attend meeting after rescheduled meetings) After her insistance we had to go to Japan because of her love for the snow.

Worst thing..
I was a stay at home dad and raised our daughter while she worked.
And spent $thousands to keep it from the courts because I want our daughter to have as much access to us both and both our families, to attempt to ensure a good relationship between mum & daughter when daughter is old enough to understand what’s happened. And now the ex is taking it to court where they will force her to have psych evaluation before passing judgment, something I’ve been asking her to do since January. I’m worried that after evaluation an undiagnosed condition will make her unsuitable in the eyes of the law.

I’ve had psych evaluation and continued counseling because the whole thing felt like I was going mad. Outcome is I’m not mad or delusional and have the support of many gov departments, school, family, extended family, friends and a support network from Thredbo to Sydney and beyond.

Thanks for letting me rant.

“POSSUM!” - how my daughter changes the subject when I rant.


And the ex is a skier.

spaz - 18 September 2010 10:04 PM

I need a rant.
My ex…

I hate that for you man.
It is hard to find good dads, and when you get one, the mom always tries to take the kid away.
Relationships can be hard, and people whom you once loved and shared so much with can turn hateful.

The way I see it, is that SHE wanted the separation, and She was the one that left, in the US that kind of makes her the “bad person” which gives you more rights to the child and visitation.
But the court always favors the mother too.

Sorry you’re having to go through all this. I hope I never have to.


I pray that it never happens for you slider. Fortunately the law in the US is more marriage focused and you need a legal reason for separation.

Here you can leave because you want to or if your insane - without reason or explanation.
And no one can force psychological assessment accept a judge. To ask a judge to consider it costs in excess of $35,000 with legal aid. And it’s a roll of the dice.

I still love my ex. Makes it worse to watch her lose her mind, a child involved whom the law puts in that persons care is retarded.
We’ll never be together again - I couldn’t risk putting my daughter or myself through this once more.

Thank God for family, friends and good karma. And an absolute princess who helps me see how selfish and nuts mum is and reassures me I’m doing everything good.

I haven’t seen or spoken to my girl for 14 days.



Oi your one of thew good ones Spaz.  I know a lot of good dads out there that spend there life working there butts off to find that the mom has been screwing everything that moves and spending the cash on anything but the family.  All to end up that she gets the kids, child support, car, house anything that belonged to him in the first place and all because shes the mother.  Dont get me wrong my sis has recently gone through a separation and should have got way more then she did so I can see both sides of the fence.

It really sucks watching a family fall apart and the ones that suffer are usually the kids.

Keep you head up and know that you are better off in the end.  Things will turn life will be great.


And now just to touch base on the school rant too…haha

I am totally for foreign students paying more, I agree it is not a charity.  What I dont agree with is the gov changing visa conditions after they have approved the visa.  I was allowed to work full time unconditional with in the time we are in the country…at the time we applied for the visa.  After our visa was approved (and our first year our tuition was paid!) we had been told that the conditions of the visa have changed and now we (that both my wife and I) would only be able to work part time during the time school was in session and full time when holidays are on.  Just after we paid our second years tuition we got told the conditions of our visa had changed once again… Now only my wife who is the student can work full time during holidays and no matter what I do apart from getting sponsored by an company I am forced to work part time.  So the little bit of cash that could be saved on a concession ticket would go along way!  Like stocking fresh veg for more then a 2 days a week!

Now yes I know I came to Aus and we could have left but leaving would have thrown away the first year of a law degree, and tuition.  The thing that is really got me worried is we just payed for her last semester and am wondering if the visa will change again now that they have as much money as they will get from us.

Oh and to boot they make the visa end 3 weeks before my wifes graduation ceremony which means if we want to attend it we have to fly out of the country, and return on a holiday visa.


Spaz, that really sucks….sorry to hear you’re going through such a hard time. When I’ve been through hard times in the past, the one thing that has really kept me going is to think about how there is always people who are far worse off than yourself & to think of the blessings & good things you do have in your life.
I’m not saying you have to run around being all positive and la-di-da like everything is perfect. Everyone can understand you have every right to feel screwed over, broken & depressed…but in those dark moments, thinking of people worse off than yourself might help you get through. We all have things to be grateful for & thinking of them can sometimes help put things in perspective.