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I want to give more prizes away! Contest ideas…


pretty cool idea and great way to get the name out there..

PM sent.


Its definitely a good way to get the boardworld name out there a bit…but i also know how much I hate getting those invitations for groups. I know I just ignore 95% of them. Best of luck to everyone though!

cords - 26 August 2010 08:30 AM

Its definitely a good way to get the boardworld name out there a bit…but i also know how much I hate getting those invitations for groups. I know I just ignore 95% of them. Best of luck to everyone though!


I already spammed too many of my contacts for the last contest

cords - 26 August 2010 08:30 AM

Its definitely a good way to get the boardworld name out there a bit…but i also know how much I hate getting those invitations for groups. I know I just ignore 95% of them. Best of luck to everyone though!

Going on previous invitations sent, our page seems to get approx a 10% sucess rate which is pretty good I think.


15000 likes on facebook.


Boardworld has 4,300+ registered members. Our email database is approx 20,000. Our Facebook page has approx 15,000 likes. Our Girls Facebook page has approx 6,300 likes.

Mizu Kuma - 29 August 2010 10:32 AM
rider26 - 29 August 2010 10:25 AM

Boardworld has 4,300+ registered members. Our email database is approx 20,000. Our Facebook page has approx 15,000 likes. Our Girls Facebook page has approx 6,300 likes.

That must make ya feel so Stoked rider!!!!  cool grin

Definitely on the right track…  cool smile

cords - 26 August 2010 08:30 AM

Its definitely a good way to get the boardworld name out there a bit…but i also know how much I hate getting those invitations for groups. I know I just ignore 95% of them. Best of luck to everyone though!


It only annoys me if i get the same one over and over, i doubt anyone really cares that much about a one off and not enough for it to affect the ‘boardworld’ brand, as its not likely to be snowboarders that ignore it, so as a idea to increase membership, its a pretty good one i reckon.


From the invites I sent I am finding everyday in my news feed that another one of my friends has ‘liked’ boardworld woot it’s working! Now only gotta get them to keep sending me screen shots of them inviting their friends!!


This new contest is working very well. We have received over 1100 new likes since we started this promotion. Thank you to everyone who has been involved with this one. grin

rider26 - 07 September 2010 07:56 AM

This new contest is working very well. We have received over 1100 new likes since we started this promotion. Thank you to everyone who has been involved with this one. grin

That’s awesome, maybe there is a need to do a similar comp for the girls page?


For sure, I’ll speak to Lauren about it.