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side & base edge angles


Sweet, that narrows it down from “it appears to me that the appropriate question is yet to be asked/answered”, to simply “it appears to me that the appropriate question is yet to be answered”.

If I had a buck for every time a so-called ‘expert’ was anything but. . .

Gamblor - 06 October 2011 06:28 AM

your analogy is weird.

That weird that ya couldn’t answer my question truthfully????

Yeah ya right, no point in continuing this discussion!!!!!


Anyone use the hand held files and know anything about them?

All this talk of bevel angle etc has got me wondering what my file is tuning my board to. I usually sharpen the edges fairly regularly.

I have an option of 88 or 90 degrees. I’ve been using 90 but have no idea if it’s a 0 or 1 degree bevel…

Dan83 - 06 October 2011 07:56 AM

Anyone use the hand held files and know anything about them?

All this talk of bevel angle etc has got me wondering what my file is tuning my board to. I usually sharpen the edges fairly regularly.

I have an option of 88 or 90 degrees. I’ve been using 90 but have no idea if it’s a 0 or 1 degree bevel…

Can only tell you what I’ve read.  It’s pretty much a case of using a diamond stone to remove work-hardened rough sections (where you hit rocks etc) in your edges and giving it a basic sharpen.  You would normally not use the file unless the edges needed a major re-sharpen or if you wanted to alter your bevel.  Be careful using the file as it is designed to remove more steel than the stone, as once that steel’s gone it’s gone for good!  If you are going to file, hit up the edges with the diamond stone first to remove the work-hardened bits as the file is not designed to cut those.

Not sure how your angle tool works.  Do you think it’s setting its angle off the base or off the edge?  If off the base, I guess you’re setting the base bevel to either 0 or 2 degrees.

Some good info here


Are you filing the base, or the side of your board?

The most commonly sold tools only do the side edge. For base edges, you either need a file guide or dedicated tool - although if you’re desperate, you can wrap a file (where you hold it) to achieve an approximation of your desired bevel. I use an edging tool which accommodates both files and diamond stones, and does both base and side edges, adjustable in increments of .5 degrees.


We did a fairly in depth tuning article for Australian Snowboarding magazine back in about 2000 or 2001. I’ll see if I can track down that particular issue - it’s in a box around here somewhere.


Yeah, I use the crude flat bastard with electrical tape for the base edge, and an 88/90 edging tool for the side edges!!!!! And mainly just for de-burring and slight sharpening when the gummy stone just won’t cut the mustard!!!!!

However, I would use a proper file guide if I was to adjust the base edge from its original bevel though!!!!! (Which ya mini edge tool is not suitable for, Dan)

Mizu Kuma - 06 October 2011 09:42 AM

Yeah, I use the crude flat bastard with electrical tape for the base edge, and an 88/90 edging tool for the side edges!!!!! And mainly just for de-burring and slight sharpening when the gummy stone just won’t cut the mustard!!!!!

How do you set your base bevel, Mizu?  is that what the elec tape is for?

chucky - 06 October 2011 09:10 AM

Are you filing the base, or the side of your board?

The most commonly sold tools only do the side edge. For base edges, you either need a file guide or dedicated tool - although if you’re desperate, you can wrap a file (where you hold it) to achieve an approximation of your desired bevel. I use an edging tool which accommodates both files and diamond stones, and does both base and side edges, adjustable in increments of .5 degrees.

Yeah it’s only doing the side. So i guess I’m obviously not changing the bevel on it then. Cool tongue rolleye

Mudhoney - 06 October 2011 11:03 AM
Mizu Kuma - 06 October 2011 09:42 AM

Yeah, I use the crude flat bastard with electrical tape for the base edge, and an 88/90 edging tool for the side edges!!!!! And mainly just for de-burring and slight sharpening when the gummy stone just won’t cut the mustard!!!!!

How do you set your base bevel, Mizu?  is that what the elec tape is for?

Not to “set” it, but more so to maintain the bevel that is already there!!!!!

In order to change the angle, as in your case if ya so desire, then a proper file guide is definitely a goer!!!!!


You going to Mizu’s shindig Dan?

If anyone’s interested, I could bring my tools with me and run through the basics?


Bring them along chucky!!!!! Always good to talk tech over some beers!!!!!


Okey dokey. I’ll try and find a copy of that magazine article too - you can see my ugly mug from ten years ago, in the pages of Australian Snowboarding. (I wasn’t any prettier back them)


So ya sayin that ya eyesight is still 20/20!!!!!
