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Anyone making a last ditch effort for a board in Aus…


Glad it worked out well for you guys.

chucky - 05 October 2011 06:09 AM

Glad it worked out well for you guys.

Would have been more sincere if ya actually come down and told us there. Sheesh some people have no commitment!  tongue wink



I wish mate. Unfortunately, in the end it came down to my knees being such a mess. Since I stopped boarding for the season, I guess they’ve been trying to repair themselves - and sometimes I’m in more pain than I was when I was actually riding. It’s really getting me down - because it doesn’t look at all good for the future.

chucky - 05 October 2011 12:11 PM

I wish mate. Unfortunately, in the end it came down to my knees being such a mess. Since I stopped boarding for the season, I guess they’ve been trying to repair themselves - and sometimes I’m in more pain than I was when I was actually riding. It’s really getting me down - because it doesn’t look at all good for the future.

Hey no worries Chucky, just being cheeky. Sorry to hear your knees are giving you so much grief. Having had serious arthritis issues myself I know how painful knees can be. If it’s any consolation things can get better. In 1995 I was told I might be in a wheelchair by the time I’m 40. Lucky for me things improved. All the best mate.


chucky - 05 October 2011 12:11 PM

I wish mate. Unfortunately, in the end it came down to my knees being such a mess. Since I stopped boarding for the season, I guess they’ve been trying to repair themselves - and sometimes I’m in more pain than I was when I was actually riding. It’s really getting me down - because it doesn’t look at all good for the future.

Chucky if it’s really bad you might look into HGH (Human Growth Hormone), from memory that works well for promoting collagen synthesis in joints but I dunno if you could find a Doc to prescribe it for that but might be worth exploring.


Thanks mate, any suggestions are welcome.

I’ve never been into jumping, at all - but this past season has produced a bit of a Catch 22 situation, where although I now have an interest in jumping, I remember why I avoided it in the first place.

About ten years ago, I had to photograph tennis player Wally Masur for an interview for Inside Sport magazine, and he arrived on crutches (after his third knee operation). Once we were done with the pics and interview, we chatted about knee problems, and he really put the scares into me - basically saying that if it’s possible to avoid knee surgery, avoid it at all costs, because there’s no coming back from it. It’s been a major concern of mine ever since, and it actually has a detrimental effect on the way I ride.


What treatment have you done in the past?

I was being pushed to have exploratory surgery back as a teen. I was reluctant to do it as they may not have fixed/found anything and back then it was so invasive that the looksee could have stopped me riding (notice that Mizu!!).

Anyway I didn’t have it - but now I have no issues (previous a week of riding would cause me grief) because my Chiro puts me right… sometime it is just cause you body is weird.

My dad got hit by a car years ago and he refuses to have surgery. His ‘good’ knee now gives him more grief than the bad. He refuses to see a physio or Chrio or anything (even tho it is covered under the cars insurance) :sigh:


if you can get some HGH, hook me up haha