The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Boardworld instagram for iPhone.


Update: I spoke with app developers today. The wheels are in motion.

Besides for mobile friendly forum use and a photo upload feature, any requests for the app?

ozgirl - 03 October 2011 04:16 AM
rider26 - 03 October 2011 03:00 AM

Speaking of which, does anyone know any mobile phone app developers?

I will ask Mute for you.

I thought that Cupid Stunt was pretty clued up in this field of expertise!!!!!

rider26 - 04 October 2011 02:36 AM

Update: I spoke with app developers today. The wheels are in motion.

Besides for mobile friendly forum use and a photo upload feature, any requests for the app?

here is the previous app thread discussion. havent had a good look but might be suggestions in there:

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 04 October 2011 04:17 AM
rider26 - 04 October 2011 02:36 AM

Update: I spoke with app developers today. The wheels are in motion.

Besides for mobile friendly forum use and a photo upload feature, any requests for the app?

here is the previous app thread discussion. havent had a good look but might be suggestions in there:

So that was kinda like my idea then!!!!!

And I thought that TJ woulda came up with that one, straight after the BWG Mag idea!!!!!  smirk


My Instagram name is the_new_black (just FYI for anyone using it).


Chucky and Banger I’ve followed you guys on Instagram smile

If anyones wondering what mine is


^ Cool mate, hope you like the pics.


Started using instagram about a couple weeks ago.
If you wanna see regular updates taking place in Whistler.

Follow Chantelleie


^ Done (the_new_black), I like your Vic Ferry pic.


Instagram is one of the coolest apps

BTW my instagram name is the same as my username



just added everyone I’m japeye


Just got Instagram and added a few of you guys. My username is lilwebby204
I can tell that I’m gonna get addicted to this smile


b_rad_man if you havent found me yet! Its the best app


Yeah haaha. Only just got it so still waiting for followers :D


I’m on there too, same username as here! I love it, such a cool little app for taking pics, putting on simple effects and uploading to FB!!!