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I thought it was about time to start the official Whistler 2011 / 2012 thread.
The peaks are already covered in snow and the forecasters have called for another epic La Nina winter. Last season was the second best on record, with more than 15 metres of snow falling during the season. There have already been claims of even a better winter during 2011 / 2012.
Who is going to be in Whistler this season? Are you coming for the season or for a holiday? Where are you working? Have you been to Whistler before? What are your plans? What are you looking forward to?
We will be having a lot of Boardworld shred days, meet ups, dinners, drinks, and fun times. Please get involved in this thread; it’s a community blog, here for everyone. Post your photos, videos, stories, share your plans, or just drop in for a chat.
Photo from September 28th, 2011.
If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to ask here. There is a wealth of knowledge on the forums and we are more than happy to help.
Bring on Whistler 2011 / 2012! I’m looking forward to meeting many new faces!
Was waiting for you to post this up Jeremy. Heading back for my 3rd season, working in lift ops again so will be riding 3-4days a week all season. Plans are to ride a hell of a lot more park this season and find more lines for pow days - already got some good ones sorted but you can never have too many.
Looking forward to another bumper season and if it’s anything like last season it’ll be awesome
gonna start looking into prices over the next few weeks, if everything goes 2 plan should b spending 3 weeks over in canada, 10 days at whistler and 10 days at banff, missing the snow so much already really really wanna get over there
Yeahhh!! can’t wait for season to starrttt 2 more months to gooo!!
Hopefully get to ride with more BW members this season, most probably gonna ride every saturday =)
Was waiting for you to post this up Jeremy. Heading back for my 3rd season, working in lift ops again so will be riding 3-4days a week all season. Plans are to ride a hell of a lot more park this season and find more lines for pow days - already got some good ones sorted but you can never have too many.
Looking forward to another bumper season and if it’s anything like last season it’ll be awesome
I wish uni would hurry up and tell me if I’m in or not, so I know if I can go back to whis!
I bet plane fairs are really expensive by now :(
Yo, Finney. When u go back (if I’m not there with ya) try and find a line called Barber Poles! It and many lines like it around that area are amazing mid mountain powder trees. After you have an awesome high alpine line in the morning everyone else stays up there and tracks it out. There are mid mountain lines that have freshies all damn day. Put some lines down them for me
I bet plane fairs are really expensive by now :(
Yo, Finney. When u go back (if I’m not there with ya) try and find a line called Barber Poles! It and many lines like it around that area are amazing mid mountain powder trees. After you have an awesome high alpine line in the morning everyone else stays up there and tracks it out. There are mid mountain lines that have freshies all damn day. Put some lines down them for me
Barber poles sounds awesome.. feel free to shoot me a PM on where they are if you aren’t there to show us where
As for airfares.. they’ve gone up $600 in the past month and I still haven’t booked mine. Was holding off as work was saying that they may have had to let me go mid october instead of end of november but it’s not the case now.. should have booked it when it was cheap
I’ve been checking flights for in Feb and it’s $1800 return… Ouch. Still uncertain if I can make it happen, but so badly want to join you guys for a shred in Whis.
Hey guys, I’ll be there for my first ever season!
Vancouver in less than a week, Whistler in 2-3 (depending). So stoked. I’ve been a long time reader of this forum, just now decided to register&post; because the excitement is getting to me haha.
So keen. Rah!
Welcome to Boardworld, Korver!
That’s awesome you’re heading over to Whistler. Do you know where you’ll be working? Do you have a place to stay yet?
You should definitely catch up with us once the season starts. I’ll be heading over on November 24th. So stoked!
Hey Rider,
Nah I don’t have much lined up at all really. Kind’ve flying by the seat of my pants for the challenge of it . I have spent the last year saving for it though so I’m not completely unprepared. I’d be keen to meet up for sure, flying solo there and for the season. Oh, awesome to be heading over there right as the season starts!
Cheers for the welcome.
How exciting! You’ll be fine; you’re getting there early enough to sort everything out. Make sure your resume is ready and you get to the job fair. I take it you will be on a working holiday visa? Make sure you also get your SIN application in prior to the job fair. You can do this in Vancouver if you have a couple of days there. Once you get a job, you can move into staff housing or find something on your own. You can start looking here.
Make sure you pick up a Pique Magazine when you arrive. They are free and distributed all over the town.
Let me know if you have any questions. See you over there!
Yeah, My visa arrived about a week ago and I did plan on getting the SIN application in Vancouver as I read somewhere the Whistler office is only open once a month :O. Working for the mountain would be cool but I’m not after full time. Do they offer many part time jobs?
I’ve been frequenting the Pique & Craigslist in an effort to understand the price ranges (generally… cheap! :D :D) but it is a bit difficult to know the suburbs and locations without being there.
Appreciate the help and welcome for sure! Bring on O/S snow! :D
Yeah, there are part time jobs for the mountain. Less pay with more time to ride is a worthwhile sacrifice. Just so you know, even if you work full time you’re only required to work four days a week. They don’t tell you that as they like people to work five days, but you don’t have to.
Whistler housing is very spread out (it’s a big resort town). The bus system is generally pretty good and you can buy a six month pass (best value if you’re using it often). As long as you’re near a bus stop, you should be fine. It’s always worth asking landlords how far the bus stop is. There are of course areas which are walking distance to the Blackcomb, Village, or Creekside lifts. I’ve always lived near Creekside; you have everything you need there and the Creekside Gondola goes straight up Whistler Mountain. Anyway, just make sure you are close to a bus stop or look at areas close to the Village or Creekside.
finney was living in Benchlands last season. It’s walking distance to the Village and also on the free bus route. Areas like Whistler Cay are also walking distance to the village. If you go into staff housing, Brio is walking distance to the Village, and Glacier is actually on Blackcomb Mountain. Westside is out past Creekside so you will need a bus pass for that one. Glacier has it’s advantages (on mountain, party central etc) but generally it’s not as nice as the other two. Also it can be difficult getting back to the housing after the Blackcomb Gondola stops running. Brio is the best overall in my opinion (nice accom and good location).
Hey guys, i’ve arrived in whislter not too long ago and staying in Creekside for the season. I haven’t landed a job yet. the market for it seems pretty dry but i am pretty much looking everyday.
The weather seems to be changing and getting colder so hopefully we get some decent snowfalls so that the season can start earlier!
Looking forward to meeting up and riding with you guys this season.
Another thing to look into Korver is a volunteer position for the mountain such as events or mountain safety. You only need to work 20-25 days from memory and they give you a free season pass for this. Doing something like that and a part time job somewhere would be a good idea to save forking out for a season pass.