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So what will they change the name of ‘slopestyle’ to?


It appears that nobody’s yet given any consideration to how the FIS/IOC will bastardise the name ‘slopestyle’?

Up until those moronic skiers got their grubby little hands on it, there once was a discipline of snowboarding known as ‘boardercross’. Now, those ignorant cretins would like us all to believe it’s called ‘snowboard cross’. Seriously, that’s just pathetic - it’s like if motocross became an Olympic sport and they called it ‘motorcycle cross’. Lame, just lame. Thankfully, real snowboarders still call it ‘boardercross’, but that doesn’t stop the mainstream media (and therefore the general public) from adopting this cringeworthy term.

They’ve proven they don’t really give a crap about snowboarding and its traditions, so what will the FIS/IOC change the name of ‘slopestyle’ to?


When I heard they were including “Slopestyle” in the next Winter Olympics I was like “WTF is slopestyle??” Had they announced Boardercross I would have known straight away!!!


they is two different tings blizzard


Slopestyle shall be called juanstyle


In these times of ridiculously overzealous political correctness, they won’t want to offend potential Asian competitors.

CRACKERS - 28 September 2011 12:39 PM

they is two different tings blizzard

I thought they were the same thing (that is what I got from the first post?)


they should just call Slopestyle, ‘Boardercross’, then everyone will be happy

chucky - 28 September 2011 12:56 PM

In these times of ridiculously overzealous political correctness, they won’t want to offend potential Asian competitors.

+1 For beating me to it haha! tongue rolleye well played sir, well played.


“Super B”????? “Skicross”????? “Trickski”????? “Ozgirl”?????

Mizu Kuma - 29 September 2011 12:13 AM

“Super B”????? “Skicross”????? “Trickski”????? “Ozgirl”?????


blizzard_22 - 28 September 2011 11:27 PM
CRACKERS - 28 September 2011 12:39 PM

they is two different tings blizzard

I thought they were the same thing (that is what I got from the first post?)

I may be wrong but

Boardercross is the one you see where they race down a track four at time with jumps ,walls etc ( and FIS have called it snowboard cross)

Slopestyle is single rider hitting rails and jumps etc you see Shuan White, Set toutant etc doing in the X games (FIS call it…..doing it Juanstyle…..i think Chucky is saying they will come up with something equally as strange as snowboard cross.)

Pipe…. (FIS call it….how to make money off someone elses sport)

Slalom….hard boots race to the bottom

Couchboarding….what I do

blizzard_22 - 28 September 2011 11:27 PM
CRACKERS - 28 September 2011 12:39 PM

they is two different tings blizzard

I thought they were the same thing (that is what I got from the first post?)

Boardercross is where the 4 riders start at the top and go through the course, first one to the bottom wins (i don’t think they get scored in the tricks per sue).

Slopestyle is where one competitor goes down through the park (think front valley where Perisher held slopestyle events this year) and it is the tricks (not time) that is the key. Slopestyle is showing off in the park. Boardercross is a race but more difficult cause of the course.

I understand the anger snowboarders have at the ISF but the name change is not a big deal! It is more literal name. The Olympics are a serious bunch. They didn’t have to change the name at the X games (be angry at the x games organisers for that).... If the Olympics want to call it Snowboarder cross I don’t see what the big deal is. I believe it has something to do with the French translation.

On this basis I see no reason why they would change the name of Slopestyle.

Chucky why cause waves??


If you knew anything about the history of it, I wouldnt blame chucky for making waves.

In the beginning the FIS lobbied against snowboarders even being allowed on the slopes and did there best to make sure there was no snowboarding, then when they saw a dollar in it they changed their minds and took control, completely destroyed the snowboarders own association in the process. 

I don’t think its something that should be swept under the happened.

Having said that I agree with Gamblor. The only way it would change is for all the Pros to boycott the olympics and at the same time get the masses to boycott any companies that kept supporting FIS snowboard events. reality is that its the pros it effects the most so they would have to lead it.


I agree 100% with what you have said above.

I know the history of all the lobbying against snowboarding. I remember snowboarding not being allowed at most resorts. I don’t agree with it never have. I think we should all be one happy family (its why I am here on a boarding website)

I was talking about the Slopestyle. I don’t see why they would change the name.


don’t think boycotting sponsors products would do anything. If the pros don’t show up for events though, that would kill the sponsorship deals dead.

I am going to go out on a limb and announce that I will take a stand and will REFUSE to compete in a FIS qualifyer.

ozgirl - 29 September 2011 12:41 AM

I understand the anger snowboarders have at the ISF but the name change is not a big deal

So if they changed the name from skiing to ‘double boarding’ or ‘snow skating’, that wouldn’t bother skiers at all?

ozgirl - 29 September 2011 12:41 AM

They didn’t have to change the name at the X games (be angry at the x games organisers for that)

They wrote BoarderX, but still pronounced it ‘boardercross’.

ozgirl - 29 September 2011 12:41 AM

If the Olympics want to call it Snowboarder cross I don’t see what the big deal is.

Shitting all over someone else’s tradition isn’t a “big deal”?

ozgirl - 29 September 2011 12:41 AM

I believe it has something to do with the French translation.?

Because you read it on Wikipedia? I wrote that.

ozgirl - 29 September 2011 12:41 AM

On this basis I see no reason why they would change the name of Slopestyle.

There was no rational reason why they would change the name of Boardercross either - but they did it anyway.

ozgirl - 29 September 2011 12:41 AM

Chucky why cause waves??

Why stand up and fight against an evil, corrupt organisation which would like nothing more that to see your beloved sport wiped off the face ot the earth? Hmmmmmmm, let me think about that.

Evidently many French thought “why cause waves??” when the nazis invaded. Thankfully, not all of them felt that way.