The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Indian Postman at the Door


This arrived not two minutes ago!

So stoked!

Arbor Cadence 143!

Huge thanks to rider who helped organise everything, especially getting me in contact with STM!

EDIT: how do I put a photo up?


check out the “how to” in the General section for instructions on posting pics

posting pics


That’s awesome, yoshi. Stoked it all worked out for you.

Follow the link Mudhoney posted. If you have any problems let me know. smile




Please excuse the bed :\


nice ride, too bad the season is over


Nice Stuff Yoshi!!!!!  shaka

And clean ya room up now!!!!! Before Mum takes that new board away!!!!! hmmm


Thanks for posting the photo. So, what did you think of the graphics when you saw it in person? You like?

You’re going to have a lot of fun on that board! shaka


You could hang that sucker on the wall as art!!!!!


I love the wood grain underneath.

rider26 - 27 September 2011 07:48 AM

I love the wood grain underneath.

Yeah, is that the colour of the actual wood, or is it like a lime wash????


redjames - I don’t really mind. I got a great deal on the board, and down here in Melbourne we have an indoor terrain park, so I’ll put it to good use there smile

Mizu - Yes! It’s what I plan to do! And I do believe it’s the actual colour of the wood! No lime wash.

rider - I love it! As soon as I opened the packaging it came in, I literally jumped about a metre into the air.


Stoked for you!  grin

xx.yoshi - 27 September 2011 07:51 AM

As soon as I opened the packaging it came in, I literally jumped about a metre into the air.

And ya weren’t even strapped in yet!!!!!!  ollie


Such a rad graphic. Stoke for ya!


yoshi i am surprised ur mummy lest you get that graphic on the board raspberry, congrats enjoy the ride ....