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Jenstas Stupid Facts


Hahaha damn straight! It’s not the beer that makes you fat, it’s the late night taxi trip through Maccas drive thru on the way home!! wink

Billy - 23 September 2011 05:53 AM

Hahahaha you are on a roll my friend! This have to be one of my fave threads!!! billy billy wink

Drinking beer doesn’t make you fat, It makes you lean….
Against bars, tables, chairs, and poles.”



Emus .............

Billy - 23 September 2011 05:53 AM

Hahahaha you are on a roll my friend! This have to be one of my fave threads!!! billy billy wink

Drinking beer doesn’t make you fat, It makes you lean….
Against bars, tables, chairs, and poles.”


haha… was just about to say the same thing Billy!

Love it!


^^^ about it being my favourite thread! Although Statue ridin is proving rather amusing too!

Rhi - 23 September 2011 06:21 AM

^^^ about it being my favourite thread! Although Statue ridin is proving rather amusing too!

Statue riding very amusing I also cack myself at Separated at Birth some good shots in there!



Lovin this thread Jen!!!!!! I can do without some of the pics, as I think this may impact on my modelin career!!!!!!

Jensta - 23 September 2011 07:08 AM
Rhi - 23 September 2011 06:21 AM

^^^ about it being my favourite thread! Although Statue ridin is proving rather amusing too!

Statue riding very amusing I also cack myself at Separated at Birth some good shots in there!

haha… very true! Also WTF is K2 wearing…

Mizu Kuma - 23 September 2011 08:25 AM


Lovin this thread Jen!!!!!! I can do without some of the pics, as I think this may impact on my modelin career!!!!!!

What is your modelin career anyway Mizu??? Modeling for Tenpins, Bowling Balls, Cule Balls, melons??????????

Rhi - 23 September 2011 08:28 AM
Jensta - 23 September 2011 07:08 AM
Rhi - 23 September 2011 06:21 AM

^^^ about it being my favourite thread! Although Statue ridin is proving rather amusing too!

Statue riding very amusing I also cack myself at Separated at Birth some good shots in there!

haha… very true! Also WTF is K2 wearing…

I don’t think he even know’s Rhi LOL


Very informative Jen, I can see why your talent is placed in teaching.

This thread should be part of your curriculum.

spaz - 23 September 2011 10:30 PM

Very informative Jen, I can see why your talent is placed in teaching.

This thread should be part of your curriculum.

haha… “and today we are going to be learning about farts. Books and pens out please”

Rhi - 23 September 2011 11:41 PM
spaz - 23 September 2011 10:30 PM

Very informative Jen, I can see why your talent is placed in teaching.

This thread should be part of your curriculum.

haha… “and today we are going to be learning about farts. Books and pens out please”

Hahaha… Maybe we can get the boys in to be a guest speaker (or farter?) wink

Billy - 23 September 2011 11:57 PM
Rhi - 23 September 2011 11:41 PM
spaz - 23 September 2011 10:30 PM

Very informative Jen, I can see why your talent is placed in teaching.

This thread should be part of your curriculum.

haha… “and today we are going to be learning about farts. Books and pens out please”

Hahaha… Maybe we can get the boys in to be a guest speaker (or farter?) wink

Sadly enough I think my Yr 10 class would rate that as the best lesson EVER!


Don’t bring em in until the end though!!!!!

Don’t wanna clear the room right from the start!!!!!  sick