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List your Camera, Programs and lenses

Poll: whats your brand
Total Votes: 72
Lieca - i will rob your ass if you have one

Ahhh so the best of all of cameras raspberry
I love them cos they’re so simple


The Olympus series of waterproof/shockproof cameras are great as far as p&s go.

spaz - 20 August 2009 03:14 PM

The Olympus series of waterproof/shockproof cameras are great as far as p&s go.

Ya the Olympus cameras are great little units to carry around with you.  But I found out that they are not sand proof.  We were up at Moreton Island last summer and went sand boarding.  After that it would not work any more.  Fortunately they covered it under warranty it just took 3 months to get it back.  But works great now.


I boought myself a Fujifilm S8000 I think it is, essentially looks like DSLR but has an integral lens with 18x optical zoom and 5fps continous shooting mode and 8mp.  Takes care of my requirements and at under $400 was a good piece of kit for the price.  great for surfing with the zoom but haven’t been able to bring myself to go boarding with it in the pocket as it’s a bit to big and I’m worried about damaging it.  Was wondering about compact digital cams and what the frame rates for continous shooting are like on them.  Is there any around 3fps as I reckon this is about a good frame rate for shooting snowboarding, obviously more is better but it’s a start.  Also with a compact they fit in your pocket and are much easier to protect so you can leave em in your jacket pocket and board without worrying about them between taking shots.


I don’t think any compact P&S have high fps, they gerally wait 3s after you press the button before taking a shot anyway wink


Just upgraded to a fuji s3 pro from the s2, picked it up for$540 off ebay. Loving it so far


how great is this


just saw one of those about an hour ago while in the camera shop. nice looking rig….poormans M9?


just upgraded from s3 to D90 Nikon…600 from a store in TYO likin it so far…wanted the d300s but the weight was an issue and the cost….so this is a nice little sacrifice.

anyone got any hints for it…my manual is in japanese!


Great buy I have heard good things.  You should be able to find the manual online @ or just google it and it should come up.  Have fun with it shoot anything you feel needs to fill a frame and the more you do that the more you will enjoy and learn it.  Oh and dont us the “P” setting.


Just finished a trip using a Panasonic GH1. Fantastic versatile photo and HD video camera.. Totally blew my previous Canon HV20 and HF11 out of the water for HD video recording.

spaz - 25 August 2009 03:03 AM

I don’t think any compact P&S have high fps, they gerally wait 3s after you press the button before taking a shot anyway wink

I realize that it’s 8 months later but guys, check out the casio fc150. Not sure if they sell it where you all are. It’s been out for a while here in Japan. It takes up to 1000fps! lol granted that is a 2 megapixel pic. I think for 9mpx the fastest speed is 40fps. The ‘best shot’ modes are pretty cool too. There’s one where the hd video starts 2-3 seconds BEFORE you push the record button - so you’ll never be late on a shot. There’s also one that puts sequences together for you. It fires a burst (of say, a snowboard jump) and as long as you don’t move the camera it will stitch the shots into one. The most useful one for me was the automatic HDR shot. It takes 3 shots in a burst - one exposed for the high values, one for the mids and one for the lows, and puts them all together. I just got one for my parents as a gift and played with it for the week they were here. but now they’re gone and I have to go back to my lx3. The casio is great for action but I only use my p&s for baby pics so the lx3 kills it with its f2 to 2.8 lens


Great tips Gamblor.

Frick a 1000fps is insane…not ever really needed but still freaking cool.  Welcome to Boardworld.  Hope to see some of your photos


You can see some of my shots in the photography contest thread.

In the spirit of the thread, here’s my gear:

Nikon D200

Nikon 10.5 F2.8
Tokina 12-24 F4
Nikon 17-55 F2.8
Nikon 35 F2 (manual focus)
Nikon 50 F1.4
Nikon 70-200 F2.8

Medium Format
Hasselblad 500CM with 80mm F2.8

nikon sb 800
nikon sb 28 x2
nikon sb 26 x2

pocket wizards, sekonic 358, lightstands and umbrellas

Point & shoot: Lumix LX3

hmmm, what else?
I carry it all in a Dakine Sequence (camera & lenses), flashes & Hassy in an F-stop Maverick
edit in Lightroom & a little in photoshop

F-stop Tilopa (camera backpack for riding. I tried one this winter and the straps are really good. Makes the Dakine obsolete)
Nikon D400 when it comes out. Really need better iso performance than the D200
a ringflash (but don’t need it)


What camera body/lenses are you guys using?

I’m still trying to put mine together. I want to ad more glass, upgrade some that I have, and definitely upgrade my body.

I’m currently using;

Canon 400D
EF 50 1.8
Tokina 12-24 f/4
EF-S 18-55 IS
EF-S 55-250 IS
EF 70-200 f/4L
Lensbaby Composer

I’m going to palm that 55-250 off cause I don’t use it now I have the 70-200.

Would really like to upgrade the 18-55 at some stage too. Just need to decide what to replace it with. Would love the 24-70L, but might go a cheaper option like the Tamron 17-50.

I’ll have the Canon EF 100-400 by christmas (great airshow lens!), and with any luck if I have any left over coin, I’ll upgrade the body to a 7D.

What about the rest of you guys?