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SNOW Video Contest - Best BWM Shred Run



Eddie “CRACKERS” Wall!!!!!! nice one mate!!!!!  shaka


yep thats sick - pity you can’t hear any of my amazing motivational speech at the start! Def gonna get on to editing a run from NZ for this comp, this week!


Nice run and nice pirates in the background, good work to the crew and handsome Crackers;-)


hey I like you Sars. you can stay


Will you two go and get a room!!!!!

Preferably one that doesn’t have a computer in it!!!!!!


Awesome work Crackers!!! Should have had the song “shipping out to Boston!”


sars must be on the choongs if she reckons you’re handsome. The funny thing is I know you two dorks are probably in the same room but on diff computers writing that rubbish…GET ME A BUCKET! haha


Nice work CRACKERS shaka


Sars is driving off the lady pirates from the front door right now.

who is eddie wall? mmmmmmmm


“shipping out to Boston!”...funny that, i actually listened to that and thought about using it. maybe for the pirate day edit!

cheers chapstick!


quality film…obviously!


Is everyone back from the shred yet?  I’m hoping lots of videos are going to arrive in this thread soon!  The shred sounded super fun, how could it not be…  Shredding with your mates and people drinking out of shoes QED…


things are a little slow in here….ill throw another one up from earlier in the year.
short but sweet, you can actually ride out the bottom onto the slopes through a massive natural halfpipe and then on for another K or so, I wish I had filmed it all, but it was super Icey on-piste this day so I never did.

This spot is one of my favourite lines, there are a whole series (maybe 15) of little gullies that catch the snow and are protected from the wind, a short hike and you can get to them. This day me and a friend got them to our selves from lunch time onwards, no one had even checked them out as it hadn’t snowed in at least 3days and some of my other friends didn’t come cause they didnt believe me that it would be fun. didn’t build any jumps that day unfortunately.


EPIC Crackers. The pirate day run is awesome.

I’m going to have to keep this comp open until more entry’s are submitted.
Since you’ve done such a cracking job of getting the ball rolling you win a prize Crackers (will decide later what it is)

Now winter is over I should have time to do some promotion, I can’t award an $800 camera when only one person enters.
COME ON PEEPS!!!! Where are your vids?

If this rolls into the new year (due to lack of entry’s) I’ll choose from the first 10 - (unless the first 10 are all from Crackers grrr )


Nah its fine Spaz, you don’t need to give me a prize, this comp is a good idea and it motivates me to go through footage!...keep it open for as look as you reckon. I have a least 3 runs from other people on BW that they can use the footage, I just wont be able to dig it up to give to them until late November id say.


Take the prize, CRACKERS!!!!!

Ya put the effort in, ya get the rewards!!!!!!  shaka