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wax on, wax off


good freebie video

also got one from SA but cant post that cause its not free LOL


I want to get my own stuff to practice waxing a board (yes I have an old board I am going to practice on first!)

So I can get an iron from Kmart, is there any Australian Online stores I can get wax and scrapers from? I’m not too keen on the stores in Canberra as I have had terrible service at both and don’t really feel like driving to Jindy!


Email brad(at), tell him you’re from Boardworld, tell him what you need, and he’ll sort it out for you.


Thanks Jez have flicked off an email!!!


^^^ Thanks!

Because I am a complete noob to waxing my own board, what wax should I be buying?!


all temp wax is your best bet

ive gone thru about many different types/brands
toko, one ball, dakine, swix, burton, generic all temp

the only wax which i havent liked using….is the burton fluro all temp
it just didnt harden properly which meant it scraped off weird
only lasted for 1 day in aussie/warm conditions


Sweet as thanks humdingaling!!! I’m pretty keen to get stuck into having a go, will definitely save me from relying on the stores here.