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Jenstas Stupid Facts



  The middle finger is the longest of all the fingers on the hand.
  To present someone with just your middle finger is called several things including “The Bird”, “Flipping Someone Off”, and “Giving The Finger.”
  Sticking up your middle finger at someone is a very common greeting used by many people around the world.

How to give someone the finger. A practical tutorial.

Start by facing another person. For starters try anyone who you feel is one of most important people in your life. There are several correct ways to flip someone off. This is just the most straightforward way. First start by holding your hand in front of you with your fingers open and your palm facing you.

Next take your pinky, ring, index finger and thumb and pull them down to your palm. If you have done this correctly you should end up with something like this.

After you do this the person you do it to will probably do it back, act upset, maybe yell a bit, and pobably storm off. This is completely normal. This is their way of telling you that you have correctly flicked them off, and decided to retun the greeting. Take it as a special sort of congratulations. Once that person is gone you can practice some of these more advanced techniques

After successfully giving the finger to your closest family and friends you may find yourself with a lot of extra free time. This is the perfect time to try and expand the base of people you flip off. You may want to start slow like with random people that you happen to be driving by. It may be best to start with minivan moms and move on to bigger things as you feel comfortable like bikers and police officers.

This is as much advice that we can give you. Just remember keep practicing, and soon you will be telling people “fuck you” and “up yours” like a pro… oh… did we forget to mention that’s what giving someone the finger means? Silly us. Well on that note I guess the only thing left to say is…

Read more: The Middle Finger |

I hope you find this fact both interesting and totally irrelevant




That’s GOLD, Jenn!!!!!!  shaka


Bahahahahahaha!!! I love it! F@#K YEAH!!!!!  snake




Many years ago my mum stuck her thumb up at me. I was like “What the…??”

Apparently in her day that was the equavilant! (or maybe it was a wollongong thing!!!! )


Giving someone the thumbs up isn’t really the same as flipping them off Kim…



Your right! But they did it!

It was different than what we know us thumbs up…. hand was at a different angle.


it was all about giving the bird hahahahahaha


ALCOHOL ........................ THE FACTS, SOME QUOTES ........... or just some irrelevant info

  <Ever felt like this and you dont know why???

I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day. ~Frank Sinatra

Well here are a few tips

1/ To ensure you are drinking in moderation pour yourself “Standard drinks”

2/ Participate in activities which drinking is not involved

Snowboarding for example a fun outdoor sport

Here are some pictures of snowboarders at their best

  <—- Note the medicinal alcohol

And ensure when drinking that no one near you has a lethal weapon in their possession

Its then that things can turn ugly .......

And sometimes do things that we may regret later

  Or not ..........

And to finish off here are some quotes we may like to borrow

I am not a heavy drinker. I can sometimes go for hours without touching a drop.
~Noel Coward

I only take a drink on two occasions - when I’m thirsty and when I’m not.
~Brendan Behan

George Gobel
I’ve never been drunk, but often I’ve been over served.

George Burns
Actually, it only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can’t remember if it’s the thirteenth or fourteenth.

Hope you have found this both interesting and irrelevant



Jenn you’re killing it!!! LOL



My fav drinking quote is

“I drink it when I’m happy and when I’m sad.
Sometimes I drink it when I’m alone.
When I have company I consider it obligatory.
I trifle with it if I’m not hungry and I drink it when I am.
Otherwise I never touch it, unless I’m thirsty.” ~ Lily Bollinger


Lol thanks Blizz! Oz I like that quote I might just replace the champagne with beer or red wine and take it on board!




Hahahaha you are on a roll my friend! This have to be one of my fave threads!!! billy billy wink

Drinking beer doesn’t make you fat, It makes you lean….
Against bars, tables, chairs, and poles.”


Billy - 23 September 2011 05:53 AM

Drinking beer doesn’t make you fat, It makes you lean….
Against bars, tables, chairs, and poles.”

Is that your motto Billy!!!  billy