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You learn something new every day…

Jensta - 19 September 2011 09:52 AM

I learnt that there are some seriously white bums amongst this lot!!!



I learned that my kid’s a tad impressionable when in the presence of BW Shredders - which explains why everything for the last couple of days has been ‘LIKE A BOSS’!



Jensta - 19 September 2011 09:52 AM

I learnt that there are some seriously white bums amongst this lot!!!

Hahaha yeah!!! White butts and goggle tan!

Billy - 19 September 2011 10:48 AM
Jensta - 19 September 2011 09:52 AM

I learnt that there are some seriously white bums amongst this lot!!!

Hahaha yeah!!! White butts and goggle tan!

Yeah Saucehead has the whitest arse snake


I learned that from now on all spare time in class behind my laptop will be lost to BW :D


I think hairy should be added to the list of adjectives.



Today i learnt that permanent texta can be removed from skin with nail polish remover. Not necessarily something you want to put onto your skin but desperate times…

Big thanks to the Ullr boys, without whom i would never have made this important discovery!


I have learnt to always check that the shower head is still attached, before gettin my gear off!!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 20 September 2011 09:04 AM

I have learnt to always check that the shower head is still attached, before gettin my gear off!!!!!!


Rhi - 20 September 2011 09:01 AM

Today i learnt that permanent texta can be removed from skin with nail polish remover. Not necessarily something you want to put onto your skin but desperate times…

Big thanks to the Ullr boys, without whom i would never have made this important discovery!

Anytime Rhi LOL


Thank god some1 found a good way of getting it off!! Still got it on me


Yeah I’d been scrubbing my arms since sunday & was rather worried before school this morning!!! Make-up remover doesn’t work, but if you can get your hands on nail polish remover you’ll be good…

fatima4u - 20 September 2011 10:09 AM

Thank god some1 found a good way of getting it off!! Still got it on me

Yea, apparently my arm still <3’s ski-ing

TJswish - 20 September 2011 11:03 AM
fatima4u - 20 September 2011 10:09 AM

Thank god some1 found a good way of getting it off!! Still got it on me

Yea, apparently my arm still <3’s ski-ing

You’ve always had that on ya arm TJ, it’s a real tattoo!!!!!!