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BOARDWORLD SHRED 2011 - The Official Thread


I agree. A trip aimed at the start of the shoulder season would be ideal for snow conditions, weather and costs.


Sounds good already, bring it!

rider26 - 19 September 2011 04:27 AM

The weather is awesome. Sunny days and drinking beer!


This was def key to the event!

Even if the snow was epic we would have still had beer time I am sure! And we need recovery time in the morning!


Looks like you all had a sick time! Jealous as! Hope the wounded ones are all ok and not too permanently damaged…

Spent the weekend at Hotham on my lonesome, the place is a ghost town.

I’m keen to get to the shred next year, fingers crossed I can fit it in!

Mudhoney - 17 September 2011 10:47 AM

I wonder if Mizu’s shoulder will stop him hitting the ! key so much.



Though the week me and my tooth brush had some rough mornings together!!  LOL


So did the grass at Jindy lake hahaha


The canines of Jindy did well yesterday! Free feed! sick


^^^  LOL


That was so damn gross!!! Talk about calling dinosaurs!!!

I know everyone was laughing but it was either Warren or Fatima that has the funniest laugh!!!


ROOOOAAARR! (Video footage to come)


bahahaha…. and then a stupid bee got me hahaha


so happy that bee got u!!

rider26 - 19 September 2011 04:27 AM

In early talks, we are looking at the first week of late season ‘shoulder period’. Probably the first week in September. Of course this is open to discussion but this is why we think it’s a good call.

Prices drop considerably in September, meaning it’s more affordable and more people will be able to come.

It’s going to be at Perisher so the cover will be better than we had at Thredbo. Even so, this was some of the patchiest conditions I have seen in early/mid Sep. First week in September at Perisher, there won’t be any issues.

The terrain parks are well established.

The weather is awesome. Sunny days and drinking beer!

What do you guys think?

late season = sun and parks are up = good times


What about poor shannon bahahahahahahaha…