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BOARDWORLD SHRED 2011 - The Official Thread


fark he went huge

is he ok?

just concussed???


He was out cold for a good minute.

Once in the medical centre they have decided to fill him with pain killers and put him asleep for a few hours, we hope he is ok….. more later.


OMG hope K2 and Mizu are ok :-O take care of yourself guys!

I do find it funny that while the medical team are working on K2 there are a few of you taking photos! LOL that happened to me when I broke my wrist!


DAAAMN!!  he was flying!  hope K2’s ok!!  ohh


I have seen that there is video on fb but I only have 2G reception at work and can’t download it :-(

No one has confirmed, is the snow any good and who is riding on Sunday?


Just go, Blizz! Who cares who is going or whatnot? there’ll be BW peeps there and you’ll have fun anyway!

Crazy about K2 and Mizu…what jump was that K2 was hitting? He doesn’t seem to have much height on the first photo, so he must have been absolutely flying! Hope he is ok, and soon!


I just saw the vid of K2 OMG crazy!


K2 is doing OK. I collected him from the medical centre a couple of hours ago. He had a bad head injury and he’s still fuzzy about what happened. His pelvis came up clear on the X-ray and it’s suspected he had a broken rib or two. He popped a rib just trying to sit up from the bed.

Anyway, he’s all good now. Very sore but sitting up at the Shred Shed, hanging out with everyone. No drinking for kayaking for a while but he will live to ride another day. We will keep you posted.

I’m sure it’s been said but Holiday Dad (Mizu) popped his shoulder today. He’s feeling fine though (holding back the tears and putting on a brave face wink ).


you boarders are CRAZY!!!!!


It was the 45 ft jump up at Antons.

Blizz, to be honest, snow is OK at best. Still lots of fin though.


haha CRAZY…he looks like he was flying!

don’t know why everyone is saying the snow is bad….looks good for end of season. so fun when its sunny and slushy i reckon


glad everyone is ok


We just back home from the most awesome times ever.

A big thank you to everyone there, the sponsors for getting giveaways and demo boards and bindings.

Blizzard, please make sure you get down there Sunday, I promise you will have a cracker of a day riding with the Boardworld crew that will still be there.

K2 was ripping today, sad he came unglued on that hit. I have to give kudos to Jez, he was right behind K2 and stomped the landing in and pulled up right beside K2 and was straight to his assistance. Oz Girl was amazing with her Ski Patroller skills, keeping everything under control until the Threddas ski patrol turned up. (Which was blistering fast)

Billy put in a marathon effort back up the hill with Oz’s skis to shut down the booted.

I’ll see if I can get my little clip up. smile


Good work BW crew!!! represent!!!


K2, hope you’re not too wrecked. You looked super off balance in the first shot then pulled it back in the 2nd. Lookin’ good, lookin’ good…until you’re still 5 meters over the knuckle lol that must have been a holy shit moment.