The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Heading to The Shred - YEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi Boardworld shredders, beeseekay here. Long time listener, first time caller (well, I did post once before to enter a competition). The ‘bee’ part is for Ben - that’s me.

I first checked out Boardworld because I heard some people say it was the ‘source’ of really good info about snowboarding, so I thought it was pretty funny when I found out I must’ve misheard - and they were actually joking about some crazy ranga snowboarder they call ‘sauce’ (haha, I get it - ‘saucehead’ for his hair!). Nice.

You guys have some quirky user names. What about this Mizu Kuma? It means ‘Water Bear’, right? Is that a gay thing? Y’know, blokes who enjoy ‘watersports’ with other large furry men? Or is he just a hairy man who likes taking lots of showers?

Hey it’s awesome the way you guys on Boardworld take such good care of the less fortunate. I was really impressed with what some of you recently did for that physically challenged guy. But surely it’s not politically correct to call him ‘spaz’, is it? C’mon, really? And right to his face??? And wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to buy him a wheelchair or something? Or maybe surgery for his busted MBF, or LSD, or NRL, or whatever it is?

Anyway, the reason I’m posting this is because I’m heading to The Shred!!! Yep, straight after school today I’m jumping on a bus to Canberra, and I’m fairly sure I’ll be able to con some old bloke at the bus station to drive me the rest of the way to Thredbo (hey, I’m a 13 year old kid, how hard could it be?).

My dad taught me everything he knows about snowboarding (so, ummmmmmmm, don’t expect too much), but it’d be way cool if I could ride with some of you guys tomorrow anyway.


That was a farken hilarious post, you’re 13 and your olds will let you go to the snow by yourself?  I spose parents are cooler with it now cause they can call your mobile every 5 mins to check you’re not dead right?


Just a heads up that I got an email and Transboarder and Murrays have ceased their snow service for 2011!


Ta, but it’s all good. You thought I was kidding about getting some old bloke at the bus station to drive me the rest of the way to Thredbo? wink


Mizu is gonna love this LOL



wish i was going to shred, wish i was 13 ....... :(


i wish i was a little bit taller
i wish i was a baller


got to be a gee up!


yeah gee up or

mizu or chucky’s son or friend of family .........

isn’t snowman or moonunit heading to canberra and back tonight??


The old blokes with the candy at the bus stop will drive you, i just dont think it will be to thredbo tongue wink


Geez! Just imagine what kind of role models this kid’s parents are like!


Welcome to Boardworld, Ben. Hahahaha that’s a hilarious post! LOL

Looking forward to meeting you tonight! shaka


^^ Woops, that was me. Michelle was logged in on my computer.

It’s not a gee up. Ben is arriving tonight. Guess who’s his big poppa…


Chucky kid!!!


You, sir, are hilarious.

Although sir doesn’t really apply in this case, young one.

