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Get Blizz to the Shred Campaign!!

blizzard_22 - 14 September 2011 01:46 AM

Where is everyone riding at Thredbo? Cause Im still a noob and stick on green runs otherwise I end up just heelsiding…

heelslide then toeslide then heelslide and so on. sounds like snowboarding to me wink

bit of a double standard isn’t it? He can risk injury in gridiron but you can’t go riding?


Well I can go now, but it doesn’t look like there is much snow?!


Ok, Seems to me that Im being out to be the bad guy here! :(

I have said to Blizz (aka my fiance) that I dont want EITHER of us to get hurt before the wedding. Seems we are having a barefoot beach wedding and staying in the whitsundays for three days I didnt want either of us to be injured and not be able to sit in the pool or do anything fun (like our helicopter ride to whitehaven beach or ride jetskis) because well besides having crap wedding photos (which i plan to be the ONLY wedding photos I ever take) I dont want either of us to be sitting there upset while everyone else is doing something fun or even worse not being able to do anything because you feel bad that the other cant do anything so you dont. That makes sense right?

To fill you guys in here, I was NOT going to play gridiron this season at all because of this. Then Blizz worked out a deal with my football team to get me on the field and playing this year. I told her several times that I didnt care about football this season because the wedding means way more to me than one season of football.

I have NOT and NEVER had held her back from doing anything. I have said to her that if she wants to go then go. I dont want to because Im not as obsessed with snowboarding as she is and because Ive been snowboarding a day after playing football and that wanst much fun at all for me.

So before you all bag me out for not letting her go or telling her that she shouldnt go then take a second to read this again and find out that Im not the bad guy here!! AND IF, she does god forbid get injured because you guys have peer pressured her into going you all owe us money to get the photos retaken at the whitsundays once any casts have been removed. smile


I’m sure no one meant it as a go at you dark clouds! It’s just our usuall stirring and banter. Just that we would love her, and you to be able to join in the fun n games too. Just unfortunate timing smile


Its all good Darkclouds.

She is a Big girl and can just say NO!

and hey weren’t blaming you - she was telling us it was you.


Oh and please note my original post (i suspected it was her all along!)

Darkclouds097 - 14 September 2011 02:23 AM

because Im not as obsessed with snowboarding

^ this is a problem please FIX pronto DC097 wink

PS i snowboarded all last season and got married in rocktober - no injuries smile , i don;t think the guys and gals at the shred would be forcing blizz to hit 30- 40ft kickers or anything

just have fun shredding, wear protection!!!! wink


I don’t let peer pressure get to me. I won’t be jumping anything, I know im still a bit of a noob! I hate speed!

Please don’t blame DC guys, he does have a valid point about injury. I love that he plays Gridiron, because it is something we both love and enjoy together. He enjoys snowboarding, but doesn’t have the same passion for it that I do. There is nothing wrong with that at all grin


We can be noobs together (i suspect you are better than me!!)


If you come on Sunday I will board….

blizzard_22 - 14 September 2011 03:11 AM

He enjoys snowboarding, but doesn’t have the same passion for it that I do. There is nothing wrong with that at all grin

**cough ** Cough ***

yes there is wink raspberry

nah not blaming anyone, wish i was going too :( .........


All good dc! We just are being hogs and want to meet you and your lady. raspberry And as K2 said, we are good at stirring and banter!!

ps. Wedding photos with injuries aren’t that bad, i’ll show you mine one day! But I know your photos are going to be beautiful and plaster-cast free!! shaka


No one wants a broken bone or a bruise on their wedding day!! I do believe Billy and myself both not playing Basketball just before the wedding day!


Haha but that was only a few days before Jen! Shhhh! wink


haha I am the opposite!

I go to a group training session and even though i have started to do it because i need to improve my fitness to improve my skiing, there is a lot I refuse to do in case i get injured and then can’t ski!

We do a circuit some night which includes running up and downstairs and I refuse to push my self on the stairs going down as i am scared of falling down them and essentially ending my season!