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BOARDWORLD SHRED 2011 - The Official Thread


An old man with 2 busted knee’s, one broken ankle, who can ride better, faster and switchier than any of the Ullr Pride crew.

No-one matched 17 straight clap pushups backed up with 7 normal pushups (that means straight back, nose to the floor (I now realise why warren didn’t have a go) - did you even reach double figures with your girl push ups eddie?) That’s right Fast Eddie could only manage to push up from his knees.
The only person eddie talked about sharing a bed with was fatima, I have shifty ninja between my sheets - A GIRL. - from your generation I might add.

How’s the arms Eddie?
Think about it;
-I did push ups,
-been drinking with the locals on the Thredbo river since 11am (there was free food by the way fatima),
-have been out every night of the past 7 to the wee hours,
-hung with BW while attending another party in the building,
-woo’ed a girl enough that she still hung out even after meeting you lot.
-I can grow a mo that is visible without applying mascara, within one week.

Yet after all that, I was beaten by a ranger 15 years younger than me.
Shifty said you struggled and strained your way through the wrestle, she was impressed with my performance so the real winner is…... the guy she drove up the road to watch the sunrise with today- that was me.


Point being;

I don’t lose points - I went home to share my bed with a girl.

spaz - 13 September 2011 11:20 PM

Point being;

I don’t lose points - I went home to share my bed with a girl.

Certainly means you get bonus points then!!!

spaz - 13 September 2011 11:20 PM

Point being;

I don’t lose points - I went home to share my bed with a girl.

Hole in 1???


Such a rivalry between Ullr Pride Crew and Squatters Run Crew. I think this all started when fast eddie realised he had the same tattoo as spaz?  LOL

Good effort by everyone last night. The highlight of the night was Mika doing a ‘Shoey’ out of Warren’s shoe. Truly impressive!

Warren telling the story of how Spanish Cockell came about… hahahaha.

fast eddie’s transformation into Pierre. LOL

Alf Stewart… F### YEAH…  snake

spaz and eddie, maybe a re-match is in order? 20 pushups followed straight by an arm wrestle. Only one winner, no excuses. ??


rider make them do burpies this time!

spaz - 13 September 2011 11:20 PM

Point being;

I don’t lose points - I went home to share my bed with a girl.

pics of the girl or it didn’t happen

blizzard_22 - 14 September 2011 01:50 AM

rider make them do burpies this time!

tabata squats.. the real pain comes 2 days afterwards.

Gamblor - 14 September 2011 01:59 AM
spaz - 13 September 2011 11:20 PM

Point being;

I don’t lose points - I went home to share my bed with a girl.

pics of the girl or it didn’t happen

or gopro video ....... no maybe too much .......  gulp  big surprise  teacherboy


There are pics of the girl on BW - not a BWM (i think???) but there are pics! Look back through some of Spaz recent posts. grin


Oh and i heard a girl in the background when i called Spaz early this morning and their was def a girl there! (unless Chucky has had a sex change?)

ozgirl - 14 September 2011 02:54 AM

There are pics of the girl on BW - not a BWM (i think???) but there are pics! Look back through some of Spaz recent posts. grin

can’t find any. pls link any

however, just random snaps of some girl is not conclusive proof

ozgirl - 14 September 2011 02:54 AM

There are pics of the girl on BW - not a BWM (i think???) but there are pics! Look back through some of Spaz recent posts. grin

can’t find any. pls link any

however, just random snaps of some girl is not conclusive proof

ozgirl - 14 September 2011 02:54 AM

There are pics of the girl on BW - not a BWM (i think???) . . .

She’s a BWM - shifty ninja.