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BOARDWORLD SHRED 2011 - The Official Thread


Hi everyone,

Checking in from The Shred. What a fun 20 hours it’s been. Super squished car ride haha. I Have some photos of Tristan jammed in there. Arrived last night at 9pm and had everyone help us unpack (Mizu was stumbling around, causing trouble in reception). Went straight out with the whole crew for drinks. Before I knew it, the boys were being thrown out and it was already midnight. So awesome to see everyone and great to be here.

Went shredding with everyone today. No one was feeling great this morning but we had a super fun day none the less. I crashed hard after lunch and I’ve just woken up.

I will post some photos when I get the chance. Looking forward to having all you guys arrive so you can join in the fun!  rocker


Hanging to get there !!!!
You guys will all be drunk out when I get there, ready to go riding !!!! shaka


The week prior to the Shred has wrecked me - especially yesterday with all that fresh snow to be slashed up. After a bit of protesting on my part, the guys managed to drag me out of the apartment to hit the bar. How I managed to be the last one to leave the bar is wrong, just plain wrong.

Could barely move my legs this morning, and felt like they needed a bit of a stretch. Grabbed my pack, snowshoes and poles, and hiked out to Stanleys for a nice untracked slackcountry run. The hike back to the resort was a killer - steep climbs on a waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy unstable snowpack. It beat the crap out of me. Still, my legs got a nice stretch.

A tad anti-social of me, but hopefully I’ll now be good to ride for the rest of the week.


Action pics for those of us who are stuck in non snowy places please!  Embarrassing ones especially


Jeremy we want video too!!!


^^^ LOL that was supposed to be from me didn’t realise the other half was logged in using my IE! HAHAHA

Billy - 12 September 2011 07:34 AM

hahah boys, I feel hungover just reading your posts! billy billy

Welcome to the party Jen!!! **waves** smile

Very rarely do I ride feeling 100%... I’m either tired from driving or too many beers the night before. It’s normal for me! (Then again, riding the day after a full nights’ sleep and no hangover is like “Whoooa! This is awesome!!”

Disclaimer: Billy condones responsible consumption of alcohol at all times   oh oh  blank stare wink


I would like to see you wear that Disclaimer around your neck whilst we are in Thredbo Billy

Jensta - 12 September 2011 11:22 AM
Billy - 12 September 2011 07:34 AM

hahah boys, I feel hungover just reading your posts! billy billy

Welcome to the party Jen!!! **waves** smile

Very rarely do I ride feeling 100%... I’m either tired from driving or too many beers the night before. It’s normal for me! (Then again, riding the day after a full nights’ sleep and no hangover is like “Whoooa! This is awesome!!”

Disclaimer: Billy condones responsible consumption of alcohol at all times   oh oh  blank stare wink


I would like to see you wear that Disclaimer around your neck whilst we are in Thredbo Billy



Here’s a few photos from the drive…

Trying to re-pack the car when picking up TJ

TJ when he was somewhat comfortable and happy

I think he’s in there somewhere

Cooma beer stop


^^^^ And still smiling!!!


haha thats a full car!


yep.. thats tight


Haha!! Definitely is TJSquish!


LOL TJsquish!!! New name!!!


What an awesome start to the shred!

Josh and I got up yesterday for first lifts and headed straight up high on the t bars. Conditions were great with some decent powder turns. We then caught up with Jeremy and the other boys and pumped some fast laps in. Mizu was feeling worse for ware and left early. Fast Eddie won a switch riding race down some of the supertrail.

Most fun I’ve had riding this season grin

Today ill demo the Burton hero 155. Kudos to Burton and all the other sponsors for all the awesome gear they’ve provided for the shred.