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SNOW Photography Contest - SoHe 2011


Now to test that it works in the real world…..

Rider - Trav, Perisher Resort, July 2011, By - Darren Teasdale @ SnoPics

Rider - The Kiwi, In and Around Perisher, July 2011, By - Darren Teasdale @ SnoPics


That second shot is awesome!!!!!


Thredbo early September

Thredbo early September


Thanks for the feedback grahamgee, I see what you mean about the framing, although I like the impact it gives of having the rider coming straight at you.

I second Mizu’s comment on the second shot you posted Snopics! Love the plume of side-lit smoke from the take-off! Bummer about the cornice debris but otherwise sick one.

The Gridiron Guy, Summit Stall - Hotham Friday 2/9

Dusk - Hotham Saturday 3/9


Soooo, does it need to be a boarder?  Im running out of material after my one week in the snow for the year… smile

Croc Hunter, Castle Hill NZ, 17/8/11

Lines & Fears, Temple Basin, 13/8/11

P-funk - 10 September 2011 04:23 AM

Soooo, does it need to be a boarder?  Im running out of material after my one week in the snow for the year… smile

well, this isn’t .......


shit. smile


It’s a great photo though. Nice shot.


Thanks for the kind words about my shots. I deliberately included the cornice rubble in the second image because I thought it added more composition to the image than a smooth, partially shaded and slightly tracked out landing.

Here’s some images from the GoPro. Just add one sunny arvo sesh, a Kiwi and me.

[img]” alt=””  />[/img]

Kiwi on the left, me right. Bottom of SlopeStyle at Perisher

[img]” alt=””  />[/img]

Almost day over, heading up Leichardt after a fun afternoon with good mates.


OK. Quick question.

This is the Southern Hemisphere Photography contest. I have a photo, which I have taken in the Southern Hemisphere, which I would love to enter into this competition. However, it wasn’t taken at a resort/mountain. Can I enter it? Or is it invalid?

Either way, it’s seriously cool!


sure, throw it up (my unofficial opinion)



Date: 12 Sep 2011
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Title: Catch Me If You Can

Feedback welcome!

bish - 10 September 2011 12:37 AM

The Basketball Guy, Summit Stall - Hotham Friday 2/9

bish you should title the photo “The Gridirion Guy” cause he is wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers jersey, #43 Troy Polamalu!!!


The boys having some fun.

Riderz - Shailer in the sky and Richie getting human barrelled. North Perisher, Late July 2011, By Darren Teasdale @ SnoPics


Killer shot Darren cool smile