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Oh YES! It’s Billy’s Official BW Shred Countdown

rider26 - 08 September 2011 01:14 AM

Think two and half times bigger than that! Huge prize pack for anyone who hits the monster!

If that’s not peer pressure, I don’t know what is…

I will hit it at a really slow speed and land on the edge of the take off, does that count?


Terms changed: Huge prize pack for anyone who hits the monster and lands (or eats it) past the knuckle.

But hey, even going off the jump at super slow speeds is like falling off a two storey building. LOL


I will be filmin this!!!!!! Hahahahaa!!!!!


Haha I know, I was pretty scared at that thought too lol.


Still feel like riding slowly off this? wink


HAHAHAHA holy shit! with the car It looks even more crazy!!!! But if you guys gee me up enought while im there, its a good chace I will give it a crack!!

If its still there by next weekend. Hopefullly the snow is fast enough to get the speed needed for it

Im so gonna regret this!!!

rider26 - 08 September 2011 01:43 AM

Still feel like riding slowly off this? wink

Holy crap no….

rider26 - 08 September 2011 01:27 AM

Terms changed: Huge prize pack for anyone who hits the monster and lands (or eats it) past the knuckle.

THis may be enough incentive for me to do this stupid stunt…....


That would be super impressive. I’m not trying to put pressure on you. This is a serious undertaking and you should really think about it first.

What’s the biggest jump you’ve ever hit?


Oh Its nots something I would throw myself into lightly. I am most likely going to piss my pants when I see it and run away crying. No Pressure at all, I am just pumping it up atm. Biggest I have prob gone is 40-50ft.
Like I said, I prob wont do it when I see it and wouldnt do it if I didnt think I was up to it.
See what happens at the time cool smirk


I’ve gone off a 40ft jump and practically shit my pants. There is not a chance in the world I would have the guts to kill myself on this thing.


What else does Threddas have built atm. Just so I know what there is for leading up to that. What are the biggest other ones they have still?


Terrain Parks
The Antons advanced terrain park: a 25ft, 35ft, 30ft and 50ft jumps and a large hip. High Noon intermediate terrain park is open: 20ft & 30ft jumps, 6m down/flat rail, 9m stair set, 6m hitching post, 6m street style flat lift tower tube, 9m c-rail, 7m street style round bar with side transition. Cruiser beginner park is open: 6m flat box, 6m dance floor box, 9m down box, 6m flat box, 6m down box, 5ft & 10ft jumps and a 10ft step up jump. Wombat World is closed. Intermediate Ridercross course is open.


45ft at Antons!!!!!


OMG that is HUGE!!! Someone PLEASE get vid!