The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Hey guys, please private message me what colour or colours you want and I’ll do my best to have them ready for the shred. Also that photo doesn’t do the colours justice. They look really nice in person. Let me know if you have any requests.
Azz, that’s fine. Anyone can pick them up from me at the shred.
Blizzard, I’m happy to post one to you if you want (same price).
If you need it by the end of the shred please say so, I’ll make them first.
Also maybe mention if you have a larger or smaller head than normal. The yarn does stretch as you wear the beanie.
. . . being an ex male model and child star, his services don’t come cheap. $10 a beanie certainly isn’t going to cover it.
Trooooooo dat! Ex child stars especially have all kinds of expenses! Anti depressants, therapy, crack, botox, rehab, lawyers. . . the list is endless.
Gonna have to hide our valuables at the Shred????
That’s Jeremy alright.
wow awesome knitting there!
I def want one. I have a bigger head than most girls (no thats not a flattering image…) and can not decide a colour (opps sorry color - hehe)
They look awesome!
I’d love one!!! They look awesome! If you have pink I’ll put in a request for that, if not something stripey would be cool… haha, i’m easy with whatever! Hope you are doing good, xox
Hi Rhiannon!
How have you been? I would love to make you a beanie. I have a light pink and a bright pink. Which would you prefer?
Can’t wait to see you at the shred!
The beanies look sick! You did a very good job on them!!
Nothing better than love in every stitch <3 haha
can not decide a colour (opps sorry color - hehe)
We actually spell it colour in Canada. It’s only the Americans that spell it funny hehe.
can not decide a colour (opps sorry color - hehe)
We actually spell it colour in Canada. It’s only SOME Americans that spell it funny hehe.
Sent you a PM Michelle
Bumping for Michelle.
Bumping for Michelle.
Isn’t the Beanie Business bringin in enough money????
Haha yeah she’s killing it. Nuh, she just wants to give everyone the opportunity to get one.
She bought your orange and green today, Sir.