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BOARDWORLD SHRED 2011 ~Jive talk~


Oh yes!!! billy

ozgirl - 06 September 2011 05:57 AM
rider26 - 02 September 2011 02:42 AM

All those demo boards will already be detuned. The reps make sure the boards are in good riding condition. Most of the boards would have been ridden a bit this season, which detunes the board anyway.

Don’t get your hopes up, but I’m working towards bringing on a beer sponsor for The Shred. Looks like we should be able to get a few cases together. Not 100% confirmed yet but looking promising. Carlton Dry if you were wondering.

I will ‘like’ Carton Dry on facebook when you confirm our sponsorship wink

Me 2…

spaz - 31 March 2011 04:11 AM

Good to have it confirmed.

I’m also concluding that Billy will want the room with 2 singles to share with any other girl that comes along. IF Billy <strike>makes a decision</strike> - can get a ride.

And the basement for Chemical Storm.

I still owe some money mate, will deposit the outstanding amount either today or tomorrow.




Oh and Jeff, sorry I haven’t sent those hoodies to you yet. I’ll bring them to the Shred.  red face


spaz sent me this photo last night…


thats sick! Stoked!


so good that snow is falling!!


there are reports of there may be being snow in Jindy on Friday night. Woot!!!

I will post at pic early Saturday if there is.


Awesome! I’m not getting my hopes up though.



Just had a crazy idea… since most of us have signed up for Perisher 2012 Freedom Pass and planning to use up that free day sometime during next week. I was thinking why don’t we all go Perisher on a same day. Saturday would probably the best option?

Unless weekenders not planning on Perisher, then I’m going Wednesday??!!


I think a mid week trip is on the cards (in the Spaz appreciation thread).

I am not keen for Perisher - the shred is my weekend off!


If you guys go Perisher on Wednesday, I will buy a ticket for the day and come with.


I’m in for a day at Perisher. Wednesday or earlier preferred. Thurs, Fri, Sat I will definitely be riding Thredbo with the Shred peeps.


Book it in for Wed!!!!


I can’t see myself goin to Perisher as I have already got my pass for Thredbo!!!!!

Plus I think Azz n Tambo are turnin up on the wednesday????