The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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I’m .......
close to being teary.
Wish I hadn’t opened this thread. So warm, delirious and, well, wowed!
Love ya buddy glad to do it!!
Thanks everyone for helping out. Cabby and I probably wouldn’t have done it alone!
I will pay the deposit tomorrow as we have enough signed up/pledges. If you haven’t signed up payments will still be collected and passed onto Spaz to contribute to the rest of the pass.
Thanks everyone who signed up - you should all have good snow karma coming your way (just in time for the shred!!) and see it already snowed snowed last night thanking us who signed up. Can we get a few more to donate for more snow karma? Personally I think am convinced that this is better than a dance at this point!
spaz, this is for you…
OMFGI’m .......
close to being teary.Wish I hadn’t opened this thread. So warm, delirious and, well, wowed!
well champ - i would have cracked the shirts by now trying to organise this riff raff
in my world you put in the effort you deserve a reward
also this way we will ride at PB next season
Oh put me in too!
Caboose - paid
Oz - paid
Rider - paid
Fast Eddie
Wont be able to fix you up till the 13th if thats cool?
Sure thats fine.
How is every one for riding P on wednesday. For those that have bought a P season pass and have a day riding thi?s year included
I’m thinking of hitting it up on Monday. I can wait a day or two if you’ll join me?
Bummed I can’t join you on that one - there’s a lot of Perisher that ‘son of chucky’ hasn’t seen yet, so now his riding’s improved he’ll be getting the grand tour, but he won’t get here until the Friday night.
Caboose - paid
Oz - paid
Rider - paid
K2 - pending
Bliz - pending
Fast Eddie
MoonUnit - pending
Billy - Paid
Did everyone above get my PM for the payment details?
If not please PM me - thanks
Yeh got it just hadnt replied soz. Will pay next week as above