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Skateboard Shades - Made from broken skateboards


Follow Shwood’s own Eric Singer as he meets up with Keith Hufnagel and others to claim the streets of LA in pursuit of Shwood’s latest experiment, sunglasses made from broken skateboard decks. Crafted entirely in Shwood’s local woodshop, this one-of-a-kind pair of sunglasses was created out of curiosity, just to see what was possible. For more of Shwood’s experiments visit:

Based in Portland, Oregon Shwood creates handcrafted wooden eyewear using fine exotic hardwoods.
Shwood’s in-house manufacturing process merges precision technology with classic skilled craftsmanship to create a timeless art form. Every step from veneering and precision lens cutting, to shaping and finishing is conducted in our own Portland-based workshop to promise an entirely handcrafted eyewear piece. View the collection at


They are so cool. would love a pair cool smile


yep.. what K2 said


Sick, do they come in prescription for the four eyed freaks amongst us red face


OMG that is freaking awesome! I’m with Azz, I hope they come in prescription because I am also a four eyed freak :(


check their site for details in the FAQs, it said something about prescriptions but I didnt have a good read

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 07 September 2011 08:54 AM

They are so cool. would love a pair cool smile

^ they look sick, pretty cool way of recycling old decks grin i’d buy a pair for sure.