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Photo feedback and Critique


I hope that ya don’t mind, but I cropped and straightened a little just to see what it looked like also!!!!

Not in proportions though!!!!! Just a 2 second job to see what it’d look like!!!!!


rider, composition is good, but it’s looks too underexposed and you won’t be able to save it in photoshop. The skater might be out of focus either from you focusing on the wrong spot, or your shutter speed not being fast enough, or you moving your hand as you shot


Thanks Gambor and Mizu. Appreciate the critique. Will work on it next time.


See, I knew there was a reason why we tolerate his grumpy demeanor!!!!! 

And I’m pretty sure that my contribution wasn’t worth the cyberspace that it was printed on!!!!!  red face


wow I have a photo. I never have photos. pray do tell what I should do better smile


take a few steps forward so that you can’t see the two tracks in front of you. Get the horizon straight - it looks like it’s supposed to be a steep slope but the angle you took it on makes it look mellow. If you can adjust the f-stop then go for f16 or higher (like f22) to make the sun into a star


Props to ARLS for the technique.

Taken on my iPhone 4

My mate Ben doing a 50-50, I wasn’t able to take anymore photos as my phone only does a burst of 6 photos :( but it takes better photos than my point and shoot camera. raspberry


Took a camera out at the skatepark for the first time today to have a play around. Everytime ive been there there hasnt really been any skaters to shoot. Heaps of bikes killing it in teh bowl and cradle, so I’ll use them for practice next time I’m there.

Here are a few of the shots I took. Using a borrowed camera from work.
Canon 450D EOS with a 18-55 standard lense.
Some of the shots I just kept on sports mode cos I was more trying to find different angles that would work with the features the guys were hitting. Only some shots I played around with settings on manual.

I never asked them to do a certain trick. Just asked if I could shoot as they just sessioned for a bit. just wanted to see what would work in the circumstances. I did find it hard to get an ideal shoot angle cos
-there was always people in shot, and I didntt wanna bother people to move
-the park is very ‘busy’ feature wise so had to try heaps of angles to get things in the right spot
-there is lots of trees etc ouside the park that dont always work

but I had fun trying smile

Any feedback on shots you like or how to improve would be great!

For this one I just like this angle of the park because of all the different lines, and the billboard and cradle in the background. Played with settigns here, but dont ask me what I had them on cos I cant remember, teacherboy

Keen to get a shot here of a skater on the rail or over it. Only thing will be trying to not chop their head. Wanna get some on sessioning it to get one here. Idealy I’d have them not blocking the cradle and billboard in this one too.
Also I should have moved to my left a bit and turned the camera to the right to have the cradle closer to the left of shot.

Obvious improvements would be no people behind, and move a bit closer.

definately not the right spot for this trick. Was an on the fly shot. Should have been closer to the rail and standing up higher instead of sitting on the ground.

Different angle. Better shot, but doesnt feel right still. Cant put my finger on it.

This one is prob my favourite in how I positioned myself and got the framing and focus. Only prob is he is kinda bailing

Really doesnt look the best having the skater with his back to the camera.

Shouldnt have clipped the bottom of the ledge out. And it kinda bugs me how his board is level with the quater in the background looking like it is resting on it.

I like this one, but the bummer is that you cant really see what is happening with his board with this trick (tailslide) Would have looked better with a blunt, or switch nose where the board is above the ledge and body facing the camera. Tried to get the sun into a star by playing with the Fstop settings but couldnt make it work.

Same probs as the previous shot, but wanted to try an off angle. Im sure I’ll be told to have a straigh horizon line LOL

Here are just a couple more, but not really fussed on critque on them, unless anyone could be bothered. All could do with the same improvements.


rule of thirds my friend!

also get lower. It looks like a regular point & shoot angle.
also the skaters clothes, short pants, short socks all look wack


Cheers mate. Yeh definately have to work on my thirds.
Yeh he had his jeans rolled up. Didnt know him. He also had a killer 70s moe haha. Guess it was his look. But I know what you mean. It does draw your attention to his feet


Photographers have dirty knees, elbows, hair because they are always lying on the ground. They also have many scars from being hit by skaties, surfboards etc. It’s a dangerous and dirty job getting good shots. Get down!

Gamblor - 11 December 2011 09:51 AM

rule of thirds my friend!

also get lower. It looks like a regular point & shoot angle.
also the skaters clothes, short pants, short socks all look wack

That’s Robert Downey JR!!!!!  big surprise


Hi I’m kinda getting more in to shooting action sports and snowboarding.
Here’s my pic tell me what you think

You can find more pictures in my blog


nice light and composition but it’s an ass shot. also the rider’s body position isn’t very good. Oh, and your watermark is silly. just put in the bottom corner. nobody is going to steal that shot


I agree with Gamblor. ^^